Why, of course he is! This board is filled with such mental giants that they alone have been able to prove what no other political opponents have been able to substantiate.
The entertainment value of seeing just how bigoted people can ignore the facts is off the charts here in "The Redneck/Racist/LIV playground we have incorrectly named the Sandbox! You stupid righties need to christen it the "Kitty Litter Box" since the only non-fecal posts are from Liberals who actually "get it".
You can't even see that the people who have you fooled do not have your best interests at heart. Even Ron Paul and Alex Jones would sell your dumb and happy asses "down the river" for their own selfish reasons.
Wallow on in your own full frontal stupidity.
Originally Posted by Little Stevie
As usual, you respond with sarcasm. Just for once, stop the insults and name calling. Give us a serious defence of Obama, as a legitimate leader, that has not deceived the American people into believing he's a John Kennedy/Harry Truman Democrat. If the allegation is so absurd, refute it. Try making an argument against the allegation that Obama is a Marxist. Based on the information available about Obama, the belief that he is a leftist radical (Marxist) is the only reasonable conclusion. It is what Occam's razor requires. Concluding that Obama is a communist is the simplest answer, that is consistant with all the facts, and is therefore the answer most likely to be true.
It's a duck test. Obama looks like a communist, he walks like a communist and he quacks like a communist.
Obama is a communist.