Anyone know how to get a hold of

Andrea from SA. Sexy little blond was from Schenectady/ Rotterdam. Area. If anyone got. A line. Let me know please thanks
Huh?? Gonna need a little more than that bud…. Plus not how it usually works for girls on SA. They need to give you their number.
I had her number. Then she went MIA. I know her full name. But she shut down all her social media.
Well, that could be a sign she’s off the market and not wanting to be contacted.
She didn’t because she got a nasty divorce and. Lost everything. And ex took phone. And everything. I understand what u guys are saying. But it’s not like what u think.
Why get rid of her #? If her ex has her phone then she's gonna get a new # so guys from SA can start over. Sounds like you're gonna have to wait it out.
She had to start over probably has a new number. Her took everything from her. Car. Phone. Ect
that may be my fault. shit hit the fan and our SO's found out. she fucked up and left her phone out. got real bad for a bit there. still putting the pieces back together on my end and I know it was a total mess for her too. fun while it lasted
Damm......she must be one hell of a good fuck if she destroyed TWO marriages!! Send me her number........I've been divorced for almost 30 years...............she is save with long as she doesn't leave her phone out for the Hubby/BF/PIMP to find out.
She still on Seeking? Wanna see who this is… and pics? May be able to help. I have a lot of numbers…. lol
She’s no on SA any more but I have pics of her I have taken of her and with her
Bro she was amazing. Anything goes type. Super nice and friendly.
Yes I know it was. He ex tried messaging me. Saying he was gonna fuck me up Ect. But little did he know that’s the reason use a texting app and have a fake fb page. Ect.