Desperate provider

Anyone get a text from a lo g time well know provider asking for "help" up front and the promise of all our fun? If you have then you'll know who. Not gonna toss name out at the moment but if she did you'll pass as well
Ive had a few providers text out of nowhere asking for "help". Ones I didn't even meet but talked to at some point. Wonder if it's some new group scam
This is a well known provider so if she sent you a text you'd know right away. If they are asking g for a GC to Amazon be wary
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Anyone get a text from a lo g time well know provider asking for "help" up front and the promise of all our fun? If you have then you'll know who. Not gonna toss name out at the moment but if she did you'll pass as well Originally Posted by Scoot642
Haven't most providers done this at some point?... they text as many as they can to see who takes the cheese.. this is supposed to be something new?
Random,ive got those texts from a few regulars .this is from a pro idea I've never seen and she wants 200-500 for a store she's at thats not even open yet. Needless to say it's not gonna happen but my regulars still see me even though I refuse to send bill money. This is just a scam .
I do not patronize "desperate" providers. Most often, their desperation is the result of some form of bad habit/lifestyle, demanding pimp or some other ill-timed life-event like the end of the month that arrives at almost the same time every month and somehow, they were caught by surprise!!
She wanted a gift card to Amazon because she said she broke something at the store shes at,well the store didn't open til 11am and she text at 930. Either way she wasn't getting shit from me or any other in her book ,I hope !!
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