City of Dallas reversed it's plastic bag ban because of lawsuits from the plastic bag industry.....
How can other cities (Austin) get away with bans and not face litigation but Dallas caves?
BTW, i opposed the plastic water bottles (refundable deposits), they are more of a nuisance.
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Not sure that it's correct that the bag tax was reversed because of lawsuits. I think it has more to do with retailers being unhappy about it and the big-business friendly Dallas City Council being responsive to those sentiments. The folks in Austin will care more about the environment than what Target and Wal-Mart want.....
That said, I think the lawsuits are meritorious and if and when one of those cases gets tried and goes up on appeal, that the tax on the bags will be declared a violation of existing state law. Gov. Abbott is on the record as saying he thinks the bans may violate state law back when he was AG....that isn't the last word on it but I think he is correct.
My opinion and $2 will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.