Historical Strange Pussy

TexTushHog's Avatar
Apparently, man's quest for strange pussy has very long historical antecedents.

DustyHands's Avatar
Wow. I'm betting neanderthal pussy was in fact "strange" and that bald beavers had not yet evolved. (I don't imagine it was comfortable to shave down there with flint.) If I were around not sure I'd be attracted to a muscular hairy cavewoman.
Anyone remember Clan of the Cave Bear -old movie with Daryl Hannah -that was part of the premise. Funny that there's now scientific basis for a "strange" 80's movie.

PS I resisted the urge to make a crack about aggies involving sheep!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Well, hmmmmm. I'm thinking a little differently than the scientist quoted in the article with regards to making something "racist" out of whomever mixed (or not) with the Neanderthals. It might go along way towards explaining the "western" caucasian male penchant for expansion, plunder and pillage, even if it is from behind a desk at Goldman Sachs...LOL. It just could be that a strain of us still has the urge to grip the ol' "caveman club" and whack away. Could be a new form of primal therapy...heh heh heh.
TexTushHog's Avatar

PS I resisted the urge to make a crack about aggies involving sheep! Originally Posted by dyb156
College Station: Where the men are men and the sheep are nervous!
pyramider's Avatar
Why wouldn't they mate? Pinck is pinck. That's one reason the sheep are nervous.