San Francisco Chronicle blasted for asking if residents should 'tolerate burglaries'

  • oeb11
  • 11-08-2021, 09:59 AM

Readers were stunned when the San Francisco Chronicle asked if residents should "tolerate burglaries" amid rampant city crime in a Friday tweet.
© Provided by Washington Examiner "Residents and city leaders are searching for answers: should they tolerate burglaries as a part of city living and focus on barricading homes? Should repeat offenders get rehabilitation services, or be incarcerated so they can’t commit more crimes?" the outlet tweeted, along with a link to an article headlined, "Two men with long criminal histories got caught for stealing bikes. What should S.F. do about them?"
The piece explores the city's pursuit for criminal justice reform while "debating how to manage rates of property crime that for years have been among the highest in the nation."
Twitter users reacted harshly to the outlet's wording.
"Can you imagine living in a city where barricading yourself in your home is considered a more viable option than (checks notes)… arresting burglars??l" wrote Twitter user
"Think about how far gone the city of San Francisco must be for its major newspaper to write the first sentence below as if it's a reasonable civic question," another user, Jeff B. is *BOX OFFICE POISON*, wrote.
"Posting this so people who never lived in SF see the insanity we are dealing with," wrote former UFC fighter, Jake Shields. "I saw it was only Gonna get worse and fled a year ago but I have friends who stayed convinced it will get better."
San Francisco has seen a substantial decrease in its police force over the last few years, which some blame on left-wing and anti-police policies coming from city officials.
"This brazen criminal behavior is endured every single day by San Franciscans and it is the direct result of District Attorney Chesa Boudin and his enablers’ criminals-first agenda," San Francisco Police Officers Association President Tony Montoya said in a June statement.

Comment - this is what teh democraticommunist party offers America - unchecked, rampant crime - BECAUSE - It is RACIST to enforce the Rule of law!!!
Soros and his communist DA's elected with his money - universally support such tolerance of Crime - - See - Portland , Seattle, LA, Minnesota - the tragedy and destruction is waht the cemocrticommunists seek to inflict on America nationwide

Thank U - democraticommunist adherents - You show your intellectual, moral, spiritual, bankruptcy and absence of any common sense.

Thank yo - for showing American Peoples the tyranny you project with your propaganda, lies, indoctrination, and blatant embrace of rampant Crime against American Peoples

Including Voter Fraud Bills designed to give democraticommunists supremacy forever.

Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands!
  • oeb11
  • 11-08-2021, 11:16 AM
Where are vm and nm - to comment on democraticommunists excusing burglary - and the crimes subsequent to and related to burglary?
the nomenklatura thinks it is fine to excuse burglary - as long as it is not their own walled, gated, patrolled by armed guards houses affected.
rexdutchman's Avatar
that's how dumb-o-rats drop crime ,,,, make nothing illegal
that's how dumb-o-rats drop crime ,,,, make nothing illegal Originally Posted by rexdutchman
... THAT gotta be the safest city in America!

### Salty
  • oeb11
  • 11-09-2021, 03:44 PM
That is one way to eliminate crime

Make All crimes Legal!
Thank u - democraticommunists !