The radical white wing of the Democratic Party

  • oeb11
  • 11-09-2021, 04:01 PM

A small, highly privileged, overwhelmingly white elite with a radical agenda bent on reshaping the entire nation has taken over one of the country’s two major political parties.
© Provided by Washington Examiner I’m talking, of course, about the Progressive Left.

Pew Research Center released its 2021 Political Typology report today, breaking down the American electorate into nine distinct categories based on their political values and ideologies.
Pew divided Republicans into “Faith and Flag Conservatives,” “Committed Conservatives,” the “Populist Right,” and the “Ambivalent Right.” Faith and Flag Conservatives and the Populist Right are both strong Trump supporters, with the Faith and Flag crew trending older and more religious and the Populists trending more rural and less likely to have a college degree.
Both the Committed Conservatives and Ambivalent Right are at best lukewarm about Trump, with the Committed group trending older and more religious and the Ambivalents trending younger and less religious.
On the Democratic side, the largest group is the “Democratic Mainstays,” who identify as moderate, tend not to have a college education, and are the most racially diverse of the typologies. The second-largest Democratic group is the “Establishment Liberals,” which has a racial makeup mirroring that of the nation as a whole, is one of the most educated of the typologies, and is the group most likely to say necessary change should come through compromise and working within the current system.
The “Outsider Left” is the youngest of the Democratic typologies, the least politically active, and the most likely to be unhappy with the Democratic Party.
Then there is the “Progressive Left,” the most politically active of all typologies, also highly educated, and very, very white ... like two-thirds white. This Progressive Left is also the group most likely to say that since the United States is fundamentally racist, most “institutions need to be completely rebuilt.” Only the Outsider Left also agrees with this statement.
If you want to know why a majority says President Joe Biden isn’t paying attention to the nation’s most important issues, it’s because the very politically active Progressive Left has hijacked his administration.

Comment - remember teh white face nominee platform in 2020 of teh democraticommunist party?
It has not changed

and is teh most racist organization in America.

The KKK is proud of their Party!
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