tranny rape: Horror in Loudoun County Implicates Local and Federal Officials

Did you miss that from my post where I said the boy should go to jail and it’s terrible for the girl. Originally Posted by NoirMan
No, I surely missed the part where you say
"Wow! I reckon Salty and the other fellows
were telling the truth about this."

Didn't see THAT anywhere.

And not to be-labour the point, but WHICH girl
was it terrible for? There were TWO girls
assaulted by the bludger - at two different schools!

### Salty
... And not to be a wise-oaf, but how was it for the
school officials? ... The ones who tryed to keep
the first (rape) assault hidden from the public
while they moved the bludger to another school.

Should they lose their jobs? Face criminal charges??

### Salty
Yes, you were telling the truth. which is why i requested a link to the facts.I dont have go take your word or anyone elses, when you are relying on information from a blog post.

Terrible for any female that is raped or assaulted.

They absolutely should be fired. I dont know that they committed a crime but if they did, absolutely.
... Agreed. Reckon that's fair enough, mate.

Yet most of us were NOT relying on a blog post.
WE have seen news storys ALL WEEK about it.

But, yeah... the whole thing is bad all around.

### Salty
HedonistForever's Avatar
We're NOT in a "voter fraud" thread now, mate.
We're in the BLEEDIN' Louden rape thread!
And YOU shit inside the bed.

Look-about for the story and you'll see what
we're all talking-of. You're too intelligent
to crap this up

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Och! Right out of 1BM1's playbook.

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Sure. He had every reason to be upset but unfortunately he doesn’t have a right to act an ass at the school board. Terrible what happened to his daughter. That’s what lawsuits are for and I hope he gets paid. And that the kid gets a nice long vacation in prison. Originally Posted by NoirMan
So when they asked Governor Dukakis about what he would do if he found his wife raped and murdered and he went into a long winded explanation about the law, that was good for him? How is a father supposed to act when his daughter has been violated and the persons responsibility for no only her safety but for setting up the circumstances of the attack, is publicly denying that the attack ever took place. Remember, they had already moved this student to another school where he did the same thing.