Favorit Trump rally chant

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Before the polls close, take a moment and vote for your favorite Trump Rally chant:
2) Fire Fauci!
3) Lock her up!
4) God Bless America!
5) Four More Years!
6) We Love You!
7) Others
8) All of the above
9) I Just Lost

10) It's Time to Play Golf and Watch TV
Chants have been used by demigods throughout the ages as a means to brainwash the populace and divert attention away from the real issues, not always with what would generally be considered honorable intention. If the shoe fits.....
My favorite is every excuse he’s given for him losing. I love everyone of them.
  • oeb11
  • 11-03-2020, 08:05 AM
Go vote your conscience
a people deserve the government it votes in.

Regrets - will come later - When a Venezuela is established in America by 'teh' marxist, racist DPST's!
Thank oeb, I was at the polls when they opened. Might go back this afternoon and try to vote again; tee hee
oh c'mon, no "Twelve More Years!"?
  • oeb11
  • 11-03-2020, 08:13 AM
Thank oeb, I was at the polls when they opened. Might go back this afternoon and try to vote again; tee hee Originally Posted by reddog1951

Depending on your precinct = DPSATs cheat at any opportunity they can devise - it goes back beyond LBJ, JFK, - into the machine DPST politics.

vote 5-6 times - you are a piker compared to Chicago and their thousands of fake votes - every dead person ever in chicago Votes DPST,

and - they are proud of their cheating - as are You.
DPST's care nothing for principles of Equality under the rule of law, one person, One vote, and the Constitution.

your regrets at the Venezuela KumHoela will institute if she gets the Senate - will come later !
HoeHummer's Avatar
Super Size Me!
Lock and Load!
Fuck My Sister!
Grab My Puss!
Trump Heil!

The fucking WSND’s are really going to miss their Brandenburg moments..,
  • oeb11
  • 11-03-2020, 08:26 AM
usual nonsense - hh/yr/ multiple handles!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Before the polls close, take a moment and vote for your favorite Trump Rally chant:
2) Fire Fauci!
3) Lock her up!
4) God Bless America!
5) Four More Years!
6) We Love You!
7) Others
8) All of the above Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

you should made this multiple choice
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
you should made this multiple choice Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
If you have a clear favorite, go with it. I like 'em all. Of course, I left out the None option purposefully.

Though I did consider adding:
- Truaninonashufodopressure
- Trunalimunumaprzure
- Badakathcare

Just wasn't 100% on the spelling of those. Wait! Whut?? Those are Joe-mentia Hiden cheers. Might need a separate poll for those.
i chose "we love you"

for the like of which has never been heard at a political rally ever

it means "you stood up to these prideful deceivers and destroyers and haters of America"

and you did it for America and for the beacon that is America

there's a hundred other countries these Marxist haters of the constitution can flee to, there is only one freedom and liberty giving america
winn dixie's Avatar
9) I Just Lost

10) It's Time to Play Golf and Watch TV Originally Posted by Jam3768
Chants have been used by demigods throughout the ages as a means to brainwash the populace and divert attention away from the real issues, not always with what would generally be considered honorable intention. If the shoe fits..... Originally Posted by reddog1951
My favorite is every excuse he’s given for him losing. I love everyone of them. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
I have enjoyed schooling these three posters! All to easy!