Manchin and Sinema under fire for McAuliffe loss in Virginia

  • oeb11
  • 11-03-2021, 12:29 PM


As Democrats try to make sense of Republican Glenn Youngkin's upset victory in the Virginia gubernatorial race, some have blamed Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema for harming the Democratic agenda nationwide by stalling President Joe Biden's Build Back Better agenda.
© Provided by Washington Examiner The centrist Democrats from West Virginia and Arizona have been the target of ire as they hold out for a lower price tag on the infrastructure bill that is set to cost trillions. Some Democrats now think that if the bill had passed sooner, Virginians would have seen the party as able to pass a popular measure and it would have swung voters to Terry McAuliffe's side.
MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson said that the two senators' "obstruction helped drag down Democratic enthusiasm."
Sen. Tim Kaine, a Democrat from Virginia, did not mention Manchin and Sinema by name in a statement to an NBC reporter, but he said that some Democrats in Congress were to blame for not delivering Biden's campaign promises before the election.
Paul Krugman, an opinion columnist for the New York Times, also placed partial blame on Manchin for McAuliffe's loss, though he acknowledged that there were many contributing factors.
Former South Carolina state representative and author Bakari Sellers blamed Manchin and Sinema for "not governing," and he said they "owe the state of Virginia an apology."
The political action committee dedicated to voting Sinema out of office in 2024 used the Virginia race as fodder against her and Manchin.
"[...] they've driven the president's approval rating down nationally and hurt Democrats' chances of winning races in states like Virginia," Primary Sinema PAC wrote. "They have put the entire Democratic Party in peril."

Comment - i will use a term i almost never do - in relation to teh democraticommunist nomenklatura and their LSM - who blame sinema and manchin for their losses.


Keep up your inability to self-reflect, continue the lack of introspection
Continue to blame anyone and everyone in reach - Except your own marxist racist ideology of hatred.

Keep it up - democraticommunist nomenklatura.

either Expel manchin adn Sinema - per your 'progressive radical communist leaders' - or make life so hard they will bolt adn join teh Republican party.

So - There - Served them 'Right' for their Common sense and courage to stand against teh marxist hater spendthrifts of teh democraticommunist party.

it will be humorous to see all teh 'Morons' on teh House adn Senate floor without Noses, and their Faces hideously spited!

Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands
  • Tiny
  • 11-03-2021, 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by oeb11
I agree Oeb. On this point, here's what I observed on CNN and MSNBC this morning -- the Democratic pundits' explanation of why they lost,

They've got it wrong.
  • oeb11
  • 11-03-2021, 12:34 PM
i hope they continue with their idiocy - sets a proper stge for 2022 and 2024
Tiny - thank you - good Sir!
there is no place for introspection in dim lives and philosophies

their ideology places scales on their eyes

they try to convince others and maybe even themselves that had they only done more destruction americans would appreciate their abilities to govern
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Blaming everyone else will continue until there's no one else to blame
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I just saw the Biden press conference and a black, female reporter asked if Joe felt partially responsible for the Virginia loss. He didn't really answer the question but she pressed on, wasn't he worried about how the GOP was lying about CRT? Now that question says a lot about the press. She doesn't think that there is anything wrong with a tool of propaganda, hate, and division. Plus, I wonder what she thinks the GOP is lying about. It was the democrats who denied that CRT even existed even after the memo was found from 2015 where the governor of Virginia told the teachers to embrace CRT. Yes, he called it Critical Race Theory by name and six years later he said it doesn't exist. So who is lying and who isn't. We have some stupid people in the press and they vote democrat.
we don't teach crt and you're a racist for not liking us doing it
.... Hmmmmm... So we're supposed to believe that
people - parents and what-not - watch FOX to hear of
false claims of CRT... While Dems and Indys watch
CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN (well, nobody watches CNN) and MSNBC
to learn that CRT doesn't exist.

And YET - The Republican fellow WON in Virginia.
A LOT of Repubs WON in Virginia.

Dems had better listen - "Hear Us - Or Fear Us!"

### Salty
bambino's Avatar
Dems lost because they’ve been hijacked by Commies. So, they’ll continue to lose.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That explains it!
That explains it! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
But you're still drinking the libtard cool-aid...
winn dixie's Avatar
They have zero to do with the loss
the insulated bubble living ideologically blind dimocrats think if they just had passed the bloated one-sided build back better smoke screen of a fundamental change in America, all would have been well

if you can believe this, the dimocrats trying to make sense of their defeats, misjudge, misunderstand, misread and, talking only to themselves, conclude that voters were unhappy with their incomplete push to spend trillions of dollars on public works, the social safety net and combating climate change. These dimocrats think that accelerating their destruction of america is the path to victory

its so much more than even some multi trillion dollar attack on America, although that is bad enough, they don't realize how they have attacked common-sense America in so many false and woke ways all while calling people who don't want destruction, racists
  • oeb11
  • 11-04-2021, 08:40 AM
rexdutchman's Avatar