The Democrats' real Fox News problem

  • oeb11
  • 11-04-2021, 08:16 AM

Ask most Democrats, and they’ll tell you the big problem with Fox News is that it spreads disinformation, enabling Republicans to manipulate gullible voters into voting against their own economic interests.
© Provided by Washington Examiner After Tuesday’s crushing defeats in Virginia and Pennsylvania, longtime Democratic strategist Ruy Teixeira said the real danger posed to Democrats by Fox News is a little different. According to Teixeira, Democrats have become so dismissive of Fox News that they automatically dismiss any inconvenient issue the network covers, even ones that turn out to actually matter to real voters.
Teixeira then details how crime, immigration, and critical race theory are all very real issues that actual voters care about. On immigration, Teixeira writes:
The Biden administration has resisted—still resists—calling the situation at the Mexican border a “crisis” and initially insisted that the surge at the border would go away on its own as the hot weather season arrived. This was the line most Democrats adhered to, invoking the idea that the issue was more a Fox News talking point than a real problem.
It is now apparent that the border surge is not going away anytime soon and that the perceived liberalization of the border regime under the Biden administration has indeed spurred more migrants to try their luck at their border. And it is not going away with the hot weather…
In a just-released Morning Consult poll , Biden’s approval rating on immigration stands at 37 percent approval/52 percent disapproval (30/54 among independents), consistent with other recent polls. Democrats would do well to remember that public opinion polling over the years has consistently shown overwhelming majorities in favor of more spending and emphasis on border security .
Summing up his thoughts on how Democrats should address all three of these popular Fox News issues, Teixeira writes:
Democrats would be well-advised to focus instead on an inclusive nationalism that emphasizes what Americans have in common and their right not just to economic prosperity but to public safety, secure borders and a world-class but non-ideological education for their children. That’s much more likely to work than simply denying a lot of these issues are problems.
My bet is that Democrats keep pretending crime, immigration, and critical race theory aren’t real issues.

Comment - to teh 'liberals' who deify their Xinn propaganda - andlove Big Brother adn marxist , racist hatred promulgated by the Democraticommunist nomenklatura ,

STOP and THINK - is racism, marxism, and hatred and Hypocrisy really what you wish to present yourselves as .???

when U R supposedly the party of tolerance, inclusivity, and tax and spend???

Best take a look at Oneself - 'liberals' - and how teh Squad , Bernie, and communist radicals dominate your party.

Answer - NO - it is what U R!!!!!

I would cover teh author's bet - there is not even a tiny bit of 'liberal' introspection about the democraticommunist party marxist , racist hating/intolerant ideology - which is abhorrent to the vast majority of American People's - and Win Big!!

Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands!
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Real issue is Dumbocrats lie to themselves , circular firing squad starts