Swimwear pics.

May is gone, summer has started.
Ok ladies, lets see your hottest beach/ pool side wear.
Thug4lyfefucyawife's Avatar
May is gone, summer has started.
Ok ladies, lets see your hottest beach/ pool side wear. Originally Posted by JohnnyGleet
Iso posts are not allowed sir.
Dr-epg's Avatar
Iso posts are not allowed sir. Originally Posted by Thug4lyfefucyawife

Please allow the ECCI staff to moderate the forums.

The Dr

Please allow the ECCI staff to moderate the forums.

The Dr Originally Posted by Dr-epg
Dr I know you and I dont see eye to eye on many things but good job on this one
Ahahahahah Originally Posted by Nikkilove91
And what are YOU wearing to the water park this season ?
Lol absolutely nothing
Ill start by posting one first of me in my Tback speedo!
Prepare yourselves!
And Nikki get a beach towel your gonna get wet!

Wait disregard my pms just blew up begging me not too...so nevermind
Aww come on. I wanna see now
Ill start by posting one first of me in my Tback speedo!
Prepare yourselves!
And Nikki get a beach towel your gonna get wet!

Wait disregard my pms just blew up begging me not too...so nevermind
Lol Originally Posted by BigDeal

I double dog dare you
Hahahaha DO IT!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I'm with Nikki on this.
And, I'm gonna breech ettiquite and skip over the triple dare and go straight to the triple dog dare.

Someone bring blindfolds though, enough to protect us all.
UC you know i would do it!
Ive done things like this in the past!
Alot of members canceled their subscription soon after never to be heard from again!
BD, you're barely a gentleman, let alone a lady.
See OP.