CNN brings up "Uncle Joe's"....problems!!

His plagiarism and poor performance in Presidential campaigns.
He was driven from the 88' Presidential race BEFORE IT EVEN STARTED!!
I think his dealings in the Ukraine and China will have him and the MSM spinning like a cat 5 tornado to avoid the unavoidable!!
His gaffs and "hands on approach" will be his downfall.
Speedy can "overlook" all this because he's not Trump.
He's got the baggage...I don't think he can survive the trip.
LexusLover's Avatar
Unfortunately, (and this is speculation based on some marketing strategy experience) Obaminable's VP is listening to someone (or more) who are leading him to believe that the "polls" putting him "ahead" in the race have meaning to him in the 2020 election. Ignorance is fixable, but stupidity is not.

Whoever is leading him down that path is more interested in "pay day" than being successful and on the "winning team" in the fall of 2020. They are using the same bullshit the media is. And he'll spend their money.

If the AntiTrumpers would set their emotionally driven hatred toward who they want to believe Trump is and analyze WHO HE REALLY IS .... they would realize that he's been in the serious marketing business related to investments for longer than anyone on the landscape who has even a slight chance to beat him in 2020. Bidden's "advisers" come from the same whole cloth as Clinton's.
Bidden's "advisers" come from the same whole cloth as Clinton's. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Well...that's certainly a proven formula for success, right?