Judgement Call

Ok, so I take an appointment off of BP right, and they guy comes to my hotel. He's in his early to mid 30s, dressed in a suit, no tie, and is really cute. So we start our session and everything is going good. I like to wash up even between rounds in MSOG sessions so...
I go to the bathroom and cut the shower on. I have a view to the bedroom area via a mirror in the hallway, you know how POV is with mirrors.. I can see him, but he can't see my way. So I'm at the sink getting my toothbrush ready so I can hop in the shower and kill two birds with one stone, and just so happen to look in the mirror. This dirty rat is going through my drawers in the bedroom! Thank God I don't keep anything in there but toys, especially not cash or personal info, but it's the principle of it.

So I step out of the bathroom and back around the corner, and he's straightens up real quick with this shiteating grin on his face. I ask him, "Are you looking for something?"

What would you do?
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Call BabyDollSnow...
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Show him the real meaning of dominatrix babe....he won't do it again to anyone lol

Seriously though if I caught a provider going through my pants or anything while I was taking a break I would end the session. It means I can't trust her. Who knows what he was looking for, money, info, or both doesn't really matter what he was looking for.

What did he say?
I'm holding on to the rest until I get enough opinions. Let's just pause right here for a sec.
Do you really want to know what I would do.....

But I imagine what you did was alot worse than what I would, then again I don't know. Im Kinda twisted. Either way he was stupid ass hell.
If the situation were reversed, he'd put out an alert on you, regardless if anything were missing or not.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Can't wait to read the rest of this story
dearhunter's Avatar
He was at your incall.....he should not have been going through your drawers......even if it was just looking for an envelope for the donation.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
He was at your incall.....he should not have been going through your drawers......even if it was just looking for an envelope for the donation. Originally Posted by dearhunter

Yeah, I agree..... Nothing good can come from him doing that while you're gone....... he's got no business there.
daarakan's Avatar
If the situation were reversed, he'd put out an alert on you, regardless if anything were missing or not. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
That is the winner. There are periodically post of a provider or hobbyist taking stuff incall or outcall, there ain't no other reason to be going through someones stuff.
When he started stammering like an idiot I just told him to pack up his little belongings and get out. No dramatic ending or brain surgery needed. You treat me with respect, and I will do likewise.
notanewbie's Avatar
did ya' at least get your nut?
notanewbie's Avatar
now that...that is a bummer. That sorry worthless drawer diggin' fag.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
There should be a way to hook up like an electric shock if someone tries to go through your purse/wallet or whatever when you're not looking. That site would be funny to watch lol