does anyone support Trump ?

VitaMan's Avatar
Are any officials from his former administration ever seen with Trump, or offering support ?
Even Jared and Ivanka are trying to distance themselves. His 2 lawyers attract prosecutors and prison time.

He spends his time preaching to the choir, organizing rallies for his Trump Twilight Zone supporters. And collecting their donations.

The rest of his time on tv he spends with his go to channel Fox, discussing his greatness with his go to man Hannity.

Has any ex President tried to promote himself so hard ? It has been less than a year since the new administration took office. How many times has Trump showed up on tv ?

Is this really necessary ?
Are any officials from his former administration ever seen with Trump, or offering support ?
Even Jared and Ivanka are trying to distance themselves. His 2 lawyers attract prosecutors and prison time.

He spends his time preaching to the choir, organizing rallies for his Trump Twilight Zone supporters. And collecting their donations.

The rest of his time on tv he spends with his go to channel Fox, discussing his greatness with his go to man Hannity.

Has any ex President tried to promote himself so hard ? It has been less than a year since the new administration took office. How many times has Trump showed up on tv ?

Is this really necessary ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
You spend your time talking shit, so shut up!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
If my lawyer did this, I would worry.

Rudy Giuliani ridiculed for publicly shaving as he ate food at airport

Mr Giuliani was spotted inside the Delta One lounge, which is available to first and business class passengers using the airline.
Are they still close?
Redhot1960's Avatar
Are any officials from his former administration ever seen with Trump, or offering support ?
Even Jared and Ivanka are trying to distance themselves. His 2 lawyers attract prosecutors and prison time.

He spends his time preaching to the choir, organizing rallies for his Trump Twilight Zone supporters. And collecting their donations.

The rest of his time on tv he spends with his go to channel Fox, discussing his greatness with his go to man Hannity.

Has any ex President tried to promote himself so hard ? It has been less than a year since the new administration took office. How many times has Trump showed up on tv ?

Is this really necessary ? Originally Posted by VitaMan

So simple...
Grace Preston's Avatar
Ehh... I wouldn't judge his support based on his former administration. Politicians do one thing very well-- and that's play politics. At the end of the day-- their income requires their ability to jump on and off of ships without missing a beat. When its advantageous... they'll show ardent support. When its not-- they'll merely be silent. If they had a real problem with him-- or felt it would be advantageous to do so-- they'd be actively speaking out against him.

As to his children-- they have a lot more life ahead of them and have to be mindful of their futures and how their fathers actions may impact them (good or bad). They are business oriented first and foremost.. and in terms of that.. they have to be mindful of how associations may affect their profit margins.
Redhot1960's Avatar
Are any officials from his former administration ever seen with Trump, or offering support ?
Even Jared and Ivanka are trying to distance themselves. His 2 lawyers attract prosecutors and prison time.

He spends his time preaching to the choir, organizing rallies for his Trump Twilight Zone supporters. And collecting their donations.

The rest of his time on tv he spends with his go to channel Fox, discussing his greatness with his go to man Hannity.

Has any ex President tried to promote himself so hard ? It has been less than a year since the new administration took office. How many times has Trump showed up on tv ?

Is this really necessary ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
YES, now go back to trying on one of yawl's 72 genders.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Are any officials from his former administration ever seen with Trump, or offering support ?
Even Jared and Ivanka are trying to distance themselves. His 2 lawyers attract prosecutors and prison time.

He spends his time preaching to the choir, organizing rallies for his Trump Twilight Zone supporters. And collecting their donations.

The rest of his time on tv he spends with his go to channel Fox, discussing his greatness with his go to man Hannity.

Has any ex President tried to promote himself so hard ? It has been less than a year since the new administration took office. How many times has Trump showed up on tv ?

Is this really necessary ? Originally Posted by VitaMan

YOU are obsessed with Trump. I know it, everybody on this board knows it, it seems as if you are the only one that doesn't know it.

You are clearly the front runner with TDS on this board. Others bring up Trump in the course of a conversation. You bring him up to start a conversation.

But hey, this is a free space to talk about anything you want and you clearly want to talk about Trump.

I will on occasion and when I think it is relevant, bring Trump into the conversation for purpose of comparison. Comparing politician is like 80% of political discourse with 20% ( if we are lucky ) we discuss policy. Some people on this bard are simply not capable of discussing policy, they have to discuss "politicians", like VM does. That's his thing and he has the right to pursue that line of "debate" if he so chooses. It's not for me.

I don't support Trump, I never felt like I supported Trump. I'm a policy guy and when I agree with a Trump policy, it comes across as supporting Trump. I have tried to explain this to my Democrat friends and 1 or 2 understand it but most don't and see me as a Trump supporter. I'm not, never have been, never will be. I find him to be a boring, narcissist and yes, a bully but unless the man is a serial killer, I'm not going to put a Joe Biden, who at this moment, I believe has done immeasurable damage to this country that we may never recover from in my life time and I know there are a couple of you guys, I won't bother to name them that can't possibly accept or understand what I just said and I understand that, we see the world differently and nothing highlights this more than the depths of race baiting that we have come to see in this country.

I wish I had the video handy of the interview Tucker did with Jason Whitlock the other night who nailed it. This "debate/ argument" on race is destroying this country not lifting it as I believe was happening, perhaps not fast enough, before this crowd of Democrats came to power with their race hustlers. Whitlock compared it to the 1849 Gold Rush with the race hustlers discovering that gold has been found in race hustling/ pushing CRT and they ran out and got their picks and pans.

Man, people of my generation, thought the Jesse Jackson's and Al Sharpton's were bad in previous decades but they pale in comparison to the AOC's, Omar's, Taliab's and Pressley's and Cory Bush's of the Democrat party. It is literally mind boggling the extent to which they have turned media and Big Tech and CEO's of major corporations to this "Woke, CRT" crap. It is pure poison but the good news is, people are waking up to this like the Black guy whose speech to his school board was so powerful, that the board took a vote and agreed that CRT would not be taught in that school.

I'm actually encouraged, someday's, that we might get through this and come out the other side a better people.

We'll see.

Having said that and this is where I obviously confuse my Democrat friends, if I had to choose right now between voting for Joe Biden or Kamala Harris or Trump, I would vote for Trump because I support more Conservative policies than liberal and especially "these" liberals we have, I have never seen this kind of Liberal in my adult live, not even close.

I hope Trump doesn't run again. I hope somebody that pushes the majority of Trump policies and nominates Judges who believe in textual interpretation does. Read the law, assume that the Legislators meant what they said and if they didn't say what you "wanted them to say" that is not your business to change. Judges read the law and interpret it using the words they see in front of them, they should not vote their feelings. Legislators vote their feelings and they are answerable to their constituents, judges are not which is why they should leave their feelings at home.

I hope I answered the question "does anybody support Trump"?
This sorry ass diversion isn't working. Why didn't you ask...DOES ANYONE SUPPORT THE INCOMPETENT PISSANT???
When you don't have ANYTHING to say about YOUR get this shit!!
Are any officials from his former administration ever seen with Trump, or offering support ?
Even Jared and Ivanka are trying to distance themselves. His 2 lawyers attract prosecutors and prison time.

He spends his time preaching to the choir, organizing rallies for his Trump Twilight Zone supporters. And collecting their donations.

The rest of his time on tv he spends with his go to channel Fox, discussing his greatness with his go to man Hannity.

Has any ex President tried to promote himself so hard ? It has been less than a year since the new administration took office. How many times has Trump showed up on tv ?

Is this really necessary ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
don't feed the troll