A New Year - A New Start

The current board turmoil seems like a fitting end to what was, for myself and many others, a really bad run of years.

9/11 and the war against religious radicals.

The decade started for me with a life-changing illness. Just when I was back on my feet Katrina hit and wiped out almost 500 years of family heirlooms, history and documents.

Economic meltdown.

Then we lost CL and ASPD to end the year.

I am starting 2010 with everything looking up. I will be moving in the next week or so into one of my homes that was damaged in Katrina. After years of insurance lawsuits it is finally on track for completion within days.

On ASPD, there was a lot of confusion over the last year. We now know that much of that was created by a leadership vacuum at the top. Critical decision either weren't made at all, left to others to handle, or swept aside as if they didn't exist.

While my "heart" lies with ASPD, it more accurately lies with the community that made up my local board. While I would like nothing better than to see ASPD continue and grow and thrive, I fear that opportunity is lost. I haven't seen any semblance of a "vision" from the new owners as to what a renewed ASPD might look like going forward.

My heart goes out to all of those wonderful providers who have given so much of themselves, only to see reviews, history and hard-fought reputations disappear overnight.

Moving forward, I really like and approve of what the owners of ECCIE are offering us. Essentially everything we had before, and more. T-Bone and Becky are "hands on". They seem to truly understand this industry and have a clear vision of what their piece of the future will look like.

I approve. My intention is to make this site my new "home" and do everything I can to help us grow and thrive.
ASPD was very good to me. But the ASPD we all knew is gone.

So, for 2010 I am looking forward to a new home both in my "real" life and in my "on-line" life.

My very best wishes to all for a Happy New Year in our new lives!


  • MrGiz
  • 01-03-2010, 12:47 AM
I concur with most of your thoughts, concerning the changing environment we finds ourselves in. (not so sure, CL was a great loss )

ASPD was very good to me.... I met many-many unforgetable playmates thru that site.... but it's the people , not the site.... which created the memories!

I too , owe my allegiance to My Hobby Community. . . not any one particular website!

Having said that.... ECCIE appears to be a High Quality place to move to. . . but it's not the only one out there, vying for our hobby participation and research! I'm not sure how politically correct it is to discuss other sites here..... but for the near future, I will be monitoring and participating on ECCIE and a few of our other current options.

I look forward to continuing contact with all of the fine people I have met over the last decade!!

Happy New Year!!

Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
I'm not sure how politically correct it is to discuss other sites here..... but for the near future, I will be monitoring and participating on ECCIE and a few of our other current options.

I look forward to continuing contact with all of the fine people I have met over the last decade!!

Happy New Year!!

Giz Originally Posted by MrGiz
Giz: No need to be politically correct here. Well, within reason. Anyway, the way T & Becky convinced me to be a mod over here was by convincing me they wanted a friendly and drama free environment.

Personally, I strongly support venturing to other sites for information. If some information on some other board seems helpful, I'd appreciate you relaying the info here.

I hope the atmosphere here is fraternal and will do my best to stay out of the way and let everyone play nice, and safe.

This site is freaking on high speed now...........a good sign for sure.........now if only more of our La. ladies and gents show up and participate........
........now if only more of our La. ladies and gents show up and participate........ Originally Posted by Brvmax
Don't wait for them to just wander in! Get out the word.

I've been contacting ladies, copying their reviews, helping them get approved provider status.

I'm sending invites to dawgs that haven't shown up yet.

Check your buddy list, your pm's, let your group know that you're here, that it's good, all new & shiny

bodilly's Avatar
I for one am happy to see this site take off.A lot of the traveling girls already post here.
sandmanlou's Avatar
I'm with seadog on getting the word out. I have been sending PM's and emails to my contacts to get them over here before ASPD is no more. It looks like a good part of our community made it here which is great.
Rest in peace ASPD and long live ECCIE!!!!!

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The current board turmoil seems like a fitting end to what was, for myself and many others, a really bad run of years.

9/11 and the war against religious radicals.

The decade started for me with a life-changing illness. Just when I was back on my feet Katrina hit and wiped out almost 500 years of family heirlooms, history and documents.

Economic meltdown.

Then we lost CL and ASPD to end the year.

I am starting 2010 with everything looking up. I will be moving in the next week or so into one of my homes that was damaged in Katrina. After years of insurance lawsuits it is finally on track for completion within days.

On ASPD, there was a lot of confusion over the last year. We now know that much of that was created by a leadership vacuum at the top. Critical decision either weren't made at all, left to others to handle, or swept aside as if they didn't exist.

While my "heart" lies with ASPD, it more accurately lies with the community that made up my local board. While I would like nothing better than to see ASPD continue and grow and thrive, I fear that opportunity is lost. I haven't seen any semblance of a "vision" from the new owners as to what a renewed ASPD might look like going forward.

My heart goes out to all of those wonderful providers who have given so much of themselves, only to see reviews, history and hard-fought reputations disappear overnight.

Moving forward, I really like and approve of what the owners of ECCIE are offering us. Essentially everything we had before, and more. T-Bone and Becky are "hands on". They seem to truly understand this industry and have a clear vision of what their piece of the future will look like.

I approve. My intention is to make this site my new "home" and do everything I can to help us grow and thrive.
ASPD was very good to me. But the ASPD we all knew is gone.

So, for 2010 I am looking forward to a new home both in my "real" life and in my "on-line" life.

My very best wishes to all for a Happy New Year in our new lives!


Originally Posted by SeaDog
am I missing something with CL (craigslist)
docdavid49's Avatar
CL was going to change the rules... had to have a credit card and real name and such. I have not seen a decline either but that was the report towards the end of the year.

My time is so limited that I can't cruise 4-5 boards daily so I generally pick the one I like and make it my home... Thank You ECCIE, T-Bone, Becky, and all the mods that make this board a great place and Home.

Giz.. I agree with HID. If in your travels you find something interesting PLEASE post over here as well...