Did anyone notice? Global warming ended this week.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Yep, sad but true for some of you (of course you would think the end of global warming would be a time of happiness). NOAA came out and announced that they were changing their highest all time (at least for the last 150 years) temperature was now 1936 and not 2012. Seems that they had the information but their computer models said that it couldn't be true. But the information was coming out since they discovered the fudging of the numbers by NASA (they who run the satellites). In fact temperatures have been pretty consistent in the last 20 years.

Also, the ice cap in the Antarctic is the highest on record. So much ice and lower temperatures.

I think we should celebrate how the earth has made fools of the morons (is that redundant?) in the global warming movement. Do you know that someone has predicted that Al Gore will run for president again?

http://dailycaller.com/2014/07/03/go...lobal-warming/#! This one sounds like a set up for a punch line. Global warming is the correct answer for anything. Just don't forget that they do acknowledge that there is more ice than they expected.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Manmade Global Warming is the foundation of all liberal thought, and it must be defended against any and all attacks. If they are wrong on this, after saying we are a bunch of assholes to deny it, everything else in their house of cards collapses. If they had any honor, they would commit suicide for their Grand Deception.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-03-2014, 03:22 PM
If you two don't even notice your gayness towards each other , how the fuck am I supposed to notice some obscure 1936 nugget?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Call Virginia and tell them the good news. Newport' is flooding with the full moon. Ocean level has risen 14 inches there since the '30's .
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Call Virginia and tell them the good news. Newport' is flooding with the full moon. Ocean level has risen 14 inches there since the '30's . Originally Posted by i'va biggen
14 inches only there...ROFLMAO!
Wouldn't the fucking sea level rise everywhere you stupid motherfucker?
If not, what does it do to the theory?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
If you two don't even notice your gayness towards each other , how the fuck am I supposed to notice some obscure 1936 nugget? Originally Posted by WTF
Well, if you would quit sucking dick on the job, maybe you could be expected to read up on the fucked up theory you believe in without just taking some other fucked up shit eating liberal's assurances that the fucking ice caps are going to melt and swamp us all.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Manmade Global Warming is the foundation of all liberal thought,. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
That speaks volumes for your abject stupidity, BJerk.
It could be that Newport is sinking.
14 inches only there...ROFLMAO!
Wouldn't the fucking sea level rise everywhere you stupid motherfucker?
If not, what does it do to the theory? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I just used that as one example you stupid fucking right wing idiot. You fuckers have to be the dumbest mother fuckers on the board. What did you think that it was the only place? I see why they tossed your ass out of Israel .
I just used that as one example you stupid fucking right wing idiot. You fuckers have to be the dumbest mother fuckers on the board. What did you think that it was the only place? I see why they tossed your ass out of Israel . Originally Posted by i'va biggen
It's a stupid example like everything else you post. " Global Warming" is nothing more than liberal bullshit. The statistics supporting Global Warming are all bloated and over exemplified. It amazes me that there is nothing but debates on Global Warming, if it's such a real and impending doom on man kind why haven't any realistic solutions been implemented,

Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 07-03-2014, 07:34 PM
You guys can argue with these libtard cocksuckers for a year of Sunday's, and they will still spew the dumbest bullshit imaginable. Water has risen 14 inches in Newport, you dumbass mother fucker, and nowhere else? Duh, Jackie S was correct maybe it is sinking, just like we slowly are here in south east Texas. Everything, and I mean everything, you pompous assholes regurgitate is pure lies, and bullshit, and you learned it from your supreme leader, cocksucker in chief oscumbo. Fuck all of you. Lol
It's a stupid example like everything else you post. " Global Warming" is nothing more than liberal bullshit. The statistics supporting Global Warming are all bloated and over exemplified. It amazes me that there is nothing but debates on Global Warming, if it's such a real and impending doom on man kind why haven't any realistic solutions been implemented,

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
You guys can argue with these libtard cocksuckers for a year of Sunday's, and they will still spew the dumbest bullshit imaginable. Water has risen 14 inches in Newport, you dumbass mother fucker, and nowhere else? Duh, Jackie S was correct maybe it is sinking, just like we slowly are here in south east Texas. Everything, and I mean everything, you pompous assholes regurgitate is pure lies, and bullshit, and you learned it from your supreme leader, cocksucker in chief oscumbo. Fuck all of you. Lol Originally Posted by seedman55
You dumb fuckers are sinking in your own bullshit. Take a deep breath.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 07-03-2014, 08:58 PM
SNICKS FOR DICKS Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I can't believe that someone actually gave DH's chihuahua a handle.
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