Ladies(and men) have you ever thwarted a sting operation?

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Please this is a serious thread so no derailing or barebacker bashing.

I am wondering what you ladies do to thwart sting operations. Its got to be a lot more difficult for the ladies than the men.

I once thwarted a sting operation. The lady I was interested in seemed a little too confident. Her choice of words, her tone of voice, and her body language were all wrong. She was a terrible, terrible actress. I was tailgated by a marked cruiser until I got to the highway. The exchange of words was brief and the neither the subjects of money or sex was brought up.

The dialogue, from what I can remember:

HD: Hi, you need a ride?

LEO: Where to? What are you doing?

HD: Campus, its safe there.

LEO: We can do it in the alley if you want.

HD: No. (I notice she isnt getting in the car) Do you need a ride or not?

LEO: Lets just go back in the alley, baby.

HD: NO! I gotta go, sorry.

Another piece of advice is NEVER submit to questioning by cops. The more you talk to a cop, the more charges there will be, the higher your bail will be, the longer you spend in jail. You have the right to remain silent for a reason, you know.