what does 'gay' mean to you

with the news about Vince Vaughns line being cut from his latest movie due to calling something gay is a bit ridiculous to me, I know a lot of gays and they all have a good sense of humor this did not offend them so why are the other homosexuals in a uproar?

In the past 40 years gay has changed meanings 3 times from my POV

1. gay 40 years ago meant happy or joyous

2. 80's gay meant you loved the same sex

3. 2010 gay means silly or stupid or goofy
I do agree that the meaning of the word has changed, however I think they reacted that way because of the recent uptick in gay or suspected gay kid suicides. Had that not been on the news so much lately, I don't think anyone would have noticed. Including Anderson C.
me thinks Anderson C. is a homosexual
  • Booth
  • 10-26-2010, 04:53 PM
What does gay mean to me in 2010? It means there are assholes out there looking for reasons to bully and discriminate against people. Don't you follow the news?
It means stupid, dumb, moronic etc....
me thinks Anderson C. is a homosexual Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY

There are pictures of him online with his, well, close male friend.
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He is very gay, and of the Vanderbilt family, son of Gloria Vanderbilt, and Im sure he could care less what people think about him. His got more money that all of us combined!
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Got this from urban dictionary..
1. jovial or happy, good-spirited 2. a homosexual male or female 3. often used to describe something stupid or unfortunate. originating from homophobia. quite preferable among many teenage males in order to buff up their "masculinity"
1. "We'll have a gay old time."

2. "You DO know he's gay. Notice his homoerotic pornography collection."

3. "Man, these seats are gay. I can't even see what's going on!"

When I use the word "gay" I am usually using it towards number 3..
Right when used towards 3 it could mean lame , sucky or crappy to describe the seat as one is not happy at all
that depends...are we talking about the flamer in the pink shirt? or are we talking about the fact that i had to work late today? both are gay...wait, im not gay, just the fact of working late...thats just gay. and not at all wierd or silly. but if two hot chicks are gay...thats just fucking hot...nothing gay about that. does that make any sense? i think my reply is kinda gay
I thought gay meant happy, and homosexual meant liking of the same sex. Maybe I thought too hard outside of the box. LOL!
I guess it depends on context or situation then
What does gay mean to me in 2010? It means there are assholes out there looking for reasons to bully and discriminate against people. Don't you follow the news? Originally Posted by Booth
I was bullied and I bullied others( basically rough housing with under classmen during football season),, its part of life, now with net I know its a lot different, you cant escape the internet, in 1984 I did not have to worry about FB or texting.
He is very gay, and of the Vanderbilt family, son of Gloria Vanderbilt, and Im sure he could care less what people think about him. His got more money that all of us combined! Originally Posted by Reincarnated
I would date him, he is at least cute and rich
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lol Ralphy...