WOW!!! Someone Was TOTALLY Trying Make Me Look Bad

Baihley Valentine's Avatar
OK I have to tell my side of this story... It was brought to my attention about a post of mine... I had another provider friend post my ad today for me today since I lost my debit card. and not until I just saw my recent review a pic she put up!!!! I am so mad and I know what the picture looks like like I have a "manager" or what ever you want to call it but I DO NOT!!! It was for a photo shoot/joke, as you can tell the quality of the pic is a little more better than my other pictures. and I dont understand why she put that one up maybe she isnt such a good "friend" after all!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH Im so upset. But if any one is still iffy about it ask anyone who has reviewed me there was no sense of ANYONE around/outside/in the car/in the room. I know this is going to hurt my business but I KNOW that I have no one like that around me at any time or EVER. Again you can ask anyone who has reviewed me that I am safe and nothing 'fishy' comes wit my sessions. I am so mad about this and I guess its a lesson learned.
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
I can see why you would be mad. WOW!

Still, it gives me an idea for my next photo op.
does anyone really care where the money goes after it leaves your wallet? are you upset if it does not go to the united providers college fund?
rekcaSxT's Avatar
does anyone really care where the money goes after it leaves your wallet? are you upset if it does not go to the united providers college fund? Originally Posted by bubbaJay
I don't want the "pimp" coming in during the session, rushing it, trying to rob me, or dropping the girl off at my place and drawing attention. Especially if a pimp dresses like the pimps do in the movies, it can be a little obvious.

So no, I don't care where the money goes. I assume it goes to shoes, hair, makeup, up her nose, whatever. But don't be bringing a pimp around me, or having one waiting in the other room when I go see you.