When do the guys decline a date?

Let's assume you knew how many clients a provider saw in a day. At what point would you feel uncomfortable with seeing her? After 2 dates? (you are number 3) After 4? After 6? After 8? Would it matter at all? Would it matter if this was day 3 of a week long tour?
gimme_that's Avatar
Let's assume you knew how many clients a provider saw in a day. At what point would you feel uncomfortable with seeing her? After 2 dates? (you are number 3) After 4? After 6? After 8? Would it matter at all? Would it matter if this was day 3 of a week long tour? Originally Posted by FatBastard
If I knew how many she saw in one day.......only if I knew....my daily limit would be two......but usually its of no overt concern. If she can see two clients in addition to an overnight with me during a days work.....more power to her.....but she better be energized for my date just as the others are or were. There were ladies who toured to areas where I was at, that used my overnight booking and another guys hour booking as confirmation monetarily for a frutiful trip.

Tour dates will definitely influence when I will book. Especially if the weekend (when I hobby) falls on the end of it.

If I haven't booked her for the first or second night she's in town (traveling provider) no review or cosign would lead me to her.....id figure her card was full already.
The number she sees doesn't figure importantly into whether or not I call for an appointment. There are a lot of other, more important factors, that makes that determination.

If it affects safety, then that's another issue.
To me it's not so much the number of clients she has seen or will see that day as it is her ability to organize her time in such a manner that she is not late! I tend to make date appointments usually two or more weeks in advance, and if she's more than 15 minutes "late", for me the date is canceled and I'll look elsewhere for the next date!!
Cpalmson's Avatar
I just had a somewhat bad experience with a touring provider who was on her last leg of the trip and headed home, so I will probably be a little more cognizant of a touring provider's schedule-- especially on the back end.

As for how many clients she has a day, if I knew the number, I wouldn't want to be #3 or beyond. I would think however, that I tend to see low volume providers and because of my window of play time, I can usually only meet in the morning. With morning appointments, I'm pretty sure I'm the first guy she sees that day.
Had a provider tell me she was scheduling 8 clients a day but that she could squeeze me in. Uh, no, i'll pass.
  • hd
  • 03-08-2011, 09:29 AM
I believe hygiene is a major factor with quantity of clients. If for instance, she does 8 clients and squeezes me in as the last, if she still has the energy and most importantly, cleanliness, body and incall, then I wouldn't know how many she's seen nor would it matter, though it would probably be a negative if I was aware of it. It is a business though.

Have any of you seen more than one provider in a day? Same thing!

But as I said about cleanliness, if that was a fail, then it will reflect in my review, or at least merit a mention in the lounge.
If the provider offers Greek or has ever offered Greek then I think that is too much and I don't see her. If her teeth are in a glass on the bedtable I decline then also.
London Rayne's Avatar
I don't see how anyone can see that many guys in a day....I can barely do that in a week lol. Some people are just born freaks and never stop I guess, but no one is going to convince me that guy 5 is getting the same EXACT pep as guy 1.....there is no way to prove otherwise either.

The MOST I have ever done is 2 when I am touring, but I don't work a full-time schedule when I am at home. Though I may see 6-8 max the week of touring, I don't work the week after that period. As I have said before, if it were just bjs I could go all day...fs is another story.

If I have a 2, 3, or 4 hour appt. that is ALL I will do in a day, but I can do two 1 hour appts. as long as it's one in the morning then another say 6 hours later.

Traffic is another main concern with being too high volume. No matter how high class the hotel is, someone is watching you. Likely moreso in upscale hotels because they have more to lose if something gets damaged.

If you work out of your home which IMO is not smart, you are really asking for trouble having that much traffic. Regardless of what your "excuse" is for the landlord and neighbors, I would never want those kinds of looks everytime I left the house lol.

Catnipdipper, I think you have a deep seeded issue with greek lol. I mean seriously? If she "ever" offered greek? Do you think the guys she does that with are all 10 inches? Do you think she has never done it in her personal life if she likes it? You never quite explained this reasoning to me lol. I could see if it was a case of every day or even a lot to where she was worn out back there, but I don't think a guy who is tiny is doing much damage.
shorty's Avatar
Damn!! Someone seeing 8 clients in a days work is truly insane. Her pussy got to be so loose that you probably wouldn't even scrap the sides!!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Damn!! Someone seeing 8 clients in a days work is truly insane. Her pussy got to be so loose that you probably wouldn't even scrap the sides!! Originally Posted by shorty
Ain't that the truth!
I think you would need an oyster shucker!
London; like most folks I have been extremely intoxicated or stimulated and have done physical acts that now don't seem like a good idea. I can forgive this and go on.

HOWEVER I cannot fathom how anyone other than someone in prison or the Spartan army could ever go in the wrong entrance willingly. Can't get by and forgive certain things and feel the same way with the in my face butt shots on web sites and avatars.

I love slow sensuous, smart, funny, beautiful women that willingly accept my gifts and understand the lord's ordained pathway to pleasure or the Love Canal if you will.

Anything else is just plain sinful and degrading and Republican.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Nothing wrong with ladies doing greek for damn sure. It's their body!

However, For me that's a no go zone.
London Rayne's Avatar
London; like most folks I have been extremely intoxicated or stimulated and have done physical acts that now don't seem like a good idea. I can forgive this and go on.

HOWEVER I cannot fathom how anyone other than someone in prison or the Spartan army could ever go in the wrong entrance willingly. Can't get by and forgive certain things and feel the same way with the in my face butt shots on web sites and avatars.

I love slow sensuous, smart, funny, beautiful women that willingly accept my gifts and understand the lord's ordained pathway to pleasure or the Love Canal if you will. You have to be kidding!

Anything else is just plain sinful and degrading and Republican. Right, tell that to all the Democrat providers who enjoy greek on a regular basis...most with 2 guys at a time lol. Originally Posted by catnipdipper
Ok I have to seriously lmao off here. You are using the "Lord" as your reasoning for not doing greek and judging those who do, but you don't find anything immoral about the hobby? So paying a stranger to have sex in the vagina is totally ok with your God? LMAO! Cmon do better than that lol. As for avatars, you're on a HOOKER BOARD! This is not a 5 star restaurant where jackets are required. The very notion of mentioning "sin" on a hooker board is hilarious in itself, and I won't even go into the Republican thing. Yea, I think everyone should work for their OWN money and not expect others to pay their way lol.

Greek is NOT a gay thing...it is a pleasure thing. Just because you don't find it appealing does not mean it's wrong. I don't find gang bangs appealing but I won't tell someone else not to partake, nor refuse to see them because they might do them. As long as it is PROTECTED, I don't see the problem. The body was meant to be explored and I hate to break it to you, but I know many Christians who have anal sex with only their mate.