This is why I hate reviews......

JoanJet's Avatar

This is a new client that wanted to sign up , I was not logged on his computer I was in his bed. This is a terrible way to greet a new member, and a good way to loose them , maybe help the guy and leave your bad comments off my page.
There was a so called lady in chat that pvt messaged him , she talked to him not me !!! I was in the shower. He told me a few things she had said, about me. I do not know her and she has never seen me in person.
For info need please email him.
I don't think anyone should comment on anyones review skills and the lady's should be allowed to comment back.
Pretty bad guy's.
London Rayne's Avatar
Anyone using your computer and especially your handle, is seriously bad around here with all that is going on. Whether you knew about it or not, it is a security thing. I would take this privately to the mods in that area. Don't want to call any more attention to it.
JoanJet's Avatar
Thank you I will when I have time. They , or anyone can feel free to email him. I seriously do not think he will stay after the review comments.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Well..... there are a couple of glaring issues that arise with what I am personally seeing here...... none of which look good...... flames are to be somewhat expected although not really encouraged, but I did not see a complete bashing of the reviewer either...... there are other issues that warrent far more attention IMHO....... Those in particular are also somewhat expected..... I suspect that the Mods will be very interested in these details indeed........

Chica Chaser's Avatar
This has been handled. Closed, CC