Can declining kissing be offensive?

This question is more for the ladies. While sometimes I connect with a provider and enjoy DFK, often times my fantasy is more about no strings sex and I don't need the DFK. Taking it further, DFK can cause me to feel guilty towards my SO at times, being that it can denote more of an emotional betrayal than simply a physical one (not saying this is always or even mostly true, it just crosses my mind from time to time).

This is all even more true post coital than during the session. Once a session is over, I rarely find myself feeling comfortable with further affection of this sort with a provider. Not sure why, other than I do feel a little guilty most of the time, as well as it seems odd with somebody I just met.

I realize I'm probably in the minority here. My question to the ladies is, if a guy shies away from kissing, does it ever hurt your feelings or make you feel cheapened? I wouldn't think so, but my neurotic ass can't help but worry that if the girl leans in for the kiss and I give her the cheek that I'm going to insult her. What do you think?
I think if youre honest and tell her exactly what you said here, than she would be ok with it. Id want you to be comfy and if DFK makes you uncomfortable than I am all for not doing it. I also might add that I personally think that if a man can DFK well, it further intensifies things.
You will not insult anyone if you let her/them know ahead of time.There is nothing wrong with how you feel about kissing
Safire Sweet
You will not insult anyone if you let her/them know ahead of time.There is nothing wrong with how you feel about kissing
Safire Sweet Originally Posted by safire_sweet
I Agree SS! communicate and your encounter will be all that much more enjoyable:-)
To be honest with you some ladies feel the same way and only DFK because it is expected to be part of GFE. That's why you will see the occasional debate about "why will she BBBJ me but she shys away from the DFK." It's because DFK is much more intimate than the other things we do for fun BCD.

You certainly are not going to offend the majority of ladies if you let them know up from that you are not into DFK. Many ladies are actually on the same wavelength as you.
Good answers!!!!

DallasRain's Avatar
I say "whatever happens,happens" biggie to me!
Kendra Hart's Avatar
I've recently come out a admitted that I'm not a big kisser, most of the time I don't like kissing even IRL experiences. I advertised as GFE that term has a grey area and I'm still unclear to what people consider GFE. At any rate I will be removing the GFE title from all of my ads, but I do offer eveything that most consider GFE except the kissing. I'm not sure if I have offended anyone in that past, if so I apologize.
I always ask ahead of time because I would not want an uncomfortable situation. It's not insulting to me.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Guess it depends on whether or not the other party can eat an apple through a chain link fence at 10 feet or has chemically dependent teeth...........
gatewayloco's Avatar
I an occasional hobbyist and I feel the same....I just want sex. No kissing or cuddling. ...................But what do you say, how do you say without coming across as an ass.
Guess it depends on whether or not the other party can eat an apple through a chain link fence at 10 feet or has chemically dependent teeth........... Originally Posted by Randy4Candy

ewww! I can handle anything except teeth issues.
I once had a client tell me that he did not want to kiss.
It is such a part of "what I do"...expressing my sensuality....that I kept finding myself going for it! Not on purpose though!
He would have to stop me each time....and it sort of became this erotic game ;-)

We actually had fun trying to get through the session without kissing. HA!

Thanks for all the answers ladies, it's very helpful to see your perspective.
Randy, when that happens, I just slap on a bridle, get behind her, slap her hard on the ass and then hold on for the ride!
novacain's Avatar
ewww! I can handle anything except teeth issues. Originally Posted by LusciousLacy
Might want to include this in your showcase and P411, so you're not saddled with this in the future. Just sayin.........