Recent History of the Hobby

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  • 04-19-2011, 09:48 AM
Last night, I was chatting on the computer with a former provider who moved out of the country. We began discussing the changing face of the hobby and I realized how different it has become (at least for me) in the last five years. So, I thought it would be interesting to develop a recent history of the changes in the Hobby and send to her.

Although I have gone to the clubs and hobbied for 20+ years, I have only been on the Boards for about 6 years. So, I have started compiling a short list of names and sites somewhat in the order I my discovery of them.

Maybe some of you can add some other significant sources of info (not looking for the names of specific providers) I am leaving out. In addition, if anyone here compiled a recent history of the Hobby as it relates to the DFW and Texas, I would like to read it and maybe send her the link.

My short list (somewhat in chronological order) looks like this.

The Erotic Review
TVI Girls
Private Connection
Internet Escapees

Southern Comfort
Home\Invision (?)

I am sure there are others I am leaving out.


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LazurusLong's Avatar
Horndogs and DFE Escapes was right before Internet Escapes.
Metro Sensations with Lisa who split off from TVI Girls

Redbook was never really big in Dallas or Texas for that matter.

Foxfiles was somewhat big here until ASPD came along.

There was also a huge push of studios in Dallas that were spawned in no small part by the entire Amazing John success in Houston with the numerous Escapes studios.

Anna Anderson started OES even though VIP Sweets and Studio 1 had been around and the next thing you knew, fixed pricing at studios came about and no more of the gals upselling their hearts out. Southern Comfort was the transition By Peyton once OES fell.

But don't forget about The Models Suite (OES was located a couple hundred yards away from that plate when it opened), Venus Room, Silk & Satin and there was another one down on Harry Hines I can't think of the name.

Before the online version, the Dallas Observer was a treasure trove along with ANE.

I'd also suggest you look in the ASPD archive forum for Amber's post about the history of ASPD as there were a lot of contributions.
I completely forgot about John with amazing and the escapes studios. Had lots of fun there, and enjoyed a few of the amazing girls as well (Heather was incredible). There was another studio in Houston around that time that was pretty much L1 only, run by a smoking hot petite blonde who also provided a great L1 session. It was very upscale inside, anybody remember the name?
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  • 04-19-2011, 10:01 AM
Horndogs ...

There was also a huge push of studios in Dallas that were spawned in no small part by the entire Amazing John success in Houston with the numerous Escapes studios.

Anna Anderson started OES even though VIP Sweets and Studio 1 had been around and the next thing you knew, fixed pricing at studios came about and no more of the gals upselling their hearts out. Southern Comfort was the transition By Peyton once OES fell. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
Interesting, I forgot about horndogs but I didn't really visit it much.

I never really frequented the Studios because one visit walking past people in the hallways ended the appeal for me.


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I remeber the Massage Station. Or maybe just called The Station off of Arapahoe and Greenville
What were the names of the adult newspapers in all of the strip clubs that advertised the escorts and studios in the metroplex?

Also, considering the number of people who were trained by Cindy of Massage Therapy By Cindy (MTBC) around the metroplex, can't do a history without a mention of her. I bet I have met at least 6-8 ladies who said they worked with Cindy at some point in their careers. And most of them were trained very nicely by Cindy.

Bet Logan could point out some good milestones in the hobby.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
I completely forgot about John with amazing and the escapes studios. Had lots of fun there, and enjoyed a few of the amazing girls as well (Heather was incredible). There was another studio in Houston around that time that was pretty much L1 only, run by a smoking hot petite blonde who also provided a great L1 session. It was very upscale inside, anybody remember the name? Originally Posted by TheBizz
Tiffany worked at Executive XTC for her boyfriend, a fellow named Clint, until she and he had a falling out. She then started La Femme with Victoria, one of the other girls from Executive XTC. I understand La Femme recently closed. ;(
TinMan's Avatar
In the beginning, there were the newsgroups. was the local one, and quickly became one of the busiest in the country. This was mid-nineties timeframe. Dick O'Stone contributed mightily to bringing together the community of men in sharing information through his Texas State Mailing List. There are still a few people around (like Logan and myself) who were on the TSML distribution list.

These are two important milestones when chronicling the history of the hobby in Texas.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Any escort who had a magazine piece written about her deserves some mention. Diana of Dallas was one of the first "netscorts."

I can't figure out how to post a pic, but here's a URL:
pmdelites's Avatar
i remember it as didnt know there was a dallas sub-node. reading aspd, found a website devoted to the brothels in nevada. that helped me when i went to The Chicken Ranch in Pahrump, NV for my first ever not-just-toe-curling-but-entire-body-tingling-on-fire fellatio experience!!

"What were the names of the adult newspapers in all of the strip clubs that advertised the escorts and studios in the metroplex?"
Lazurus mentioned it - ANE Adult News & Entertainment.

i had several way less than deliteful encounters with women who advertised there.

then i found aspd on delphi and how i viewed/learned about this sub-culture changed positively for me.

btw, i accessed aspd on usenet from a LISP based computer system back in 1988-1993 time frame! when we moved to unix on Suns in mid 1990s, i was able to access aspd on delphi then its own domain, [not as good as it used to be], and
Kimchi's Avatar
Any escort who had a magazine piece written about her deserves some mention. Diana of Dallas was one of the first "netscorts."

I can't figure out how to post a pic, but here's a URL: Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
Here you go

TinMan's Avatar
Yes, there was a Dallas newsgroup. I believe there was a general discussion group, too, but there were geographically specific groups for the active cities.
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  • 04-19-2011, 04:12 PM
Interesting, I remember picking up one of the ANE at Baby Dolls and putting it in my car. I went to the post office that day and picked up a big stack of mail which I delivered to my wife along with the ANE (accidently).

She asked me if I went through the mail before I gave it to her and I said no, which was true. Then she wanted to know about the magazine. I told her one of the postal workers must have put in our box by mistake. She looked and it and it didn't have any postage on it.

I looked at her with my most convincing innocent look I could muster and asked, "Do you seriously think that I would knowingly bring that magazine back and give it to you? If I had seen it, don't you think I would have thrown it away?"

She seemed convinced ... life saved!
TexTushHog's Avatar
In the beginning, there were the newsgroups. was the local one, and quickly became one of the busiest in the country. This was mid-nineties timeframe. Dick O'Stone contributed mightily to bringing together the community of men in sharing information through his Texas State Mailing List. There are still a few people around (like Logan and myself) who were on the TSML distribution list.

These are two important milestones when chronicling the history of the hobby in Texas. Originally Posted by TinMan
Two minor points since we're doing history:

First, I thought Dick O'Stone's list was the Texas Services Mailing List?

Also, on the history of the uusenet groups, I think it was originally Then n. Shortly after n was formed, the use of the [ASPD] header began to be used to make it easy to separate real discussion from spam. Then, and only then, did groups come out like and scussion. The latter didn't really prosper because that was the time frame in which web based sites began to take over from uusenet.

Also, don't forget which was one of the earliest Web based, internationally focused discussion boards. I'm trying to remember the user/admin who shepherded it through it's early days. Atta, I believe? There was lots of mystery around who he really was. Seems like he started up this site around 1998 or so.
TinMan's Avatar
Two minor points since we're doing history:

First, I thought Dick O'Stone's list was the Texas Services Mailing List?

Also, on the history of the uusenet groups, I think it was originally Then n. Shortly after n was formed, the use of the [ASPD] header began to be used to make it easy to separate real discussion from spam. Then, and only then, did groups come out like and scussion. The latter didn't really prosper because that was the time frame in which web based sites began to take over from uusenet.

Also, don't forget which was one of the earliest Web based, internationally focused discussion boards. I'm trying to remember the user/admin who shepherded it through it's early days. Atta, I believe? There was lots of mystery around who he really was. Seems like he started up this site around 1998 or so. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Thanks, TTH, for helping my memory with those details. You are correct on all those fronts. I can't believe I forgot about WSG!