How do I stop being a simp?

Basically I got divorced with only weekend visitation rights. Got into the hobby. This worker that I really like has me buying her all sorts of stuff from an iPad to a Chanel bag. I always tell myself that this is the last time I'll buy her this, but that never happens. And when I text her seeking advice or with a problem, she doesn't reply. But I can't help showering her with stuff. What should I do? I'm in credit card debt now.
winn dixie's Avatar
You already know what to do. But first cut the cord.
In this game just remember this. whokers are here to separate men from their money with as little effort as they can get away with. Then they move on.
You already know what to do. But first cut the cord.
In this game just remember this. whokers are here to separate men from their money with as little effort as they can get away with. Then they move on. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Thanks. By cutting the cord did you mean stop hobbying? Should put myself out there in the dating market again?
winn dixie's Avatar
Yes stop anymore contact with said provider and block all communications with her.
As far as quitting the hobby? Thats your decision.
But this is a business. Not Christian singles. Some of these whokers smell weakness and seek it out. They can easily bleed you dry and leave you with nothing.
Yes stop anymore contact with said provider and block all communications with her.
As far as quitting the hobby? Thats your decision.
But this is a business. Not Christian singles. Some of these whokers smell weakness and seek it out. They can easily bleed you dry and leave you with nothing. Originally Posted by winn dixie
I'm already bled dry from alimony and child support. But yes I should prevent more blood from these whokers. Doesn't matter how GFE they are, I need to stand put and got give in. Thank you.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Thanks. By cutting the cord did you mean stop hobbying? Should put myself out there in the dating market again? Originally Posted by Stupidmanchild
Naaah. Keep fucking her. Maybe just try playing the broke game (as in you barely have enough to visit her).

Or just say no if she wants a damn shopping spree or a day at the salon, or...whatever she's taking you to the cleaners for.

If you can't resist her puppy dog pleas for more money, find a way to break it off altogether.
RomanRevko's Avatar
Get her pregnant
  • Kaiju
  • 07-24-2022, 07:33 PM
Move the F on. She already has about 5 of you. You’re not special, quit thinking you’re the exception. Or continue… and you can become special…. ED.
TinMan's Avatar
Why are you doing this? It can’t be the sex, because you could (and probably did, at first) get that by the hour.

Are you seeking companionship? Emotional intimacy? Something to replace what you lost (besides sex) in your marriage?

I’ve never been tempted to go into debt over a hooker. Maybe over a lot of hookers, but never a single one…even the ones I really liked (and not just for fucking). I just liked to have sex with a variety of women. That’s what this hobby is supposed to be about.

I have to think you’re looking for more than that. If so, you need to drop her, drop the hobby, and possibly get a trained professional to help you sort that out.

At this point, though, you probably need to drop the hobby even if it isn’t about anything more than the sex. You can’t afford it.
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
Basically I got divorced with only weekend visitation rights. Got into the hobby. This worker that I really like has me buying her all sorts of stuff from an iPad to a Chanel bag. I always tell myself that this is the last time I'll buy her this, but that never happens. And when I text her seeking advice or with a problem, she doesn't reply. But I can't help showering her with stuff. What should I do? I'm in credit card debt now. Originally Posted by Stupidmanchild

As long as men continue being stupid they deserve all of the punishment that they receive.
Bald Bryan's Avatar
Before you do cut the aforementioned cord, send over some more chocolate covered strawberries?
corona's Avatar
well, your account name sure is appropriately selected.

You ain't cut out for this game man. You catch more feelings than a fat kid at the Little Debbie factory outlet...
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
Post this thread on pacepro and see if KWS chimes in. I’m sure he has lots of advice concerning Simps.
well, your account name sure is appropriately selected.

You ain't cut out for this game man. You catch more feelings than a fat kid at the Little Debbie factory outlet... Originally Posted by corona
Thanks for the slap in the face. Shoild I just go into my router and block all hobby sites? And then block all the workers? Sometimes I get literally depressed when they don't reply. I tell myself that I won't reply when they text me, but I end up replying in like a second.

After paying child support and alimony, I don't know what else to spend my money on. I used to go on family trips or just hang out with the family. Now I have nothing to do.
TinMan's Avatar
Dammit, I should have read your posting history before responding to this thread. Ah, well, blame it on not me not following the studio threads.