Obama was sworn into office about 3 years ago today; the next President will take the oath exactly one year from today.

What has Obama's election cost us (US consumers)?

Everything is up; higher than the CPI. Obama has done nothing for middle class taxpayers except burden us with more debt, more taxes, more mandates, more regulations, more government, more intrusion into our lives......................... .......

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Can you tell me what period in the ast 10 years where major items have went down- Was food at an all time low during the Bush years- was gas at an all time low when Bush was President? Did inflation not rise during Reagan's years? So if you are paying $1.69 for a loaf of bread do you think in 4 years that same loaf of bread will cost less or more? This is another idiotic post from you again.
I assure you if you take prices during the Clinton years and compare them to the Bush years that nearly everything will go up- also f you had any brains you woul know various things that are out of any Presidents hands will cause prices to go up- you every heard of natural disasters droughts,- do you think if an agriculture area was hit with a bad drought do you think that items price will go up or down? When Florida gets hit with cold weather and it destroys oranges- do you think the price will go up or down? When the Middle east has any sort of crisis do you think oil prices will go up or down. When oil prices go up- it cost retailers more money to fuel trucks to deliver the items so they naturally raise prices- you are truly one dumb fuck!!!!

Here's the 64k question WW- Have your taxes went up or down under Obama compared to Bush? I am almost certain you don't make above 250k- so I already no the answer!!!!
Obama was sworn into office about 3 years ago today; the next President will take the oath exactly one year from today.

What has Obama's election cost us (US consumers)?

Everything is up; higher than the CPI. Obama has done nothing for middle class taxpayers except burden us with more debt, more taxes, more mandates, more regulations, more government, more intrusion into our lives......................... .......

http://www.thepeoplehistory.com/pricebasket.html Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Wow when did congress quit passing laws??
perhaps obama saved us...

the shock of obama's ideology and the threat it is to the very core of Americanism may have awakened the average person to the fear of loss of protections, meanings and adherence to our most sacred of compacts, our constitution.

it remains to be seen if we shall survive
wellendowed1911's Avatar
perhaps obama saved us...

the shock of obama's ideology and the threat it is to the very core of Americanism may have awakened the average person to the fear of loss of protections, meanings and adherence to our most sacred of compacts, our constitution.

it remains to be seen if we shall survive Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
So Bush's introduction of the Patriot Act and also wiretaps didn't violate the Bill of Rigths?
So Bush's introduction of the Patriot Act and also wiretaps didn't violate the Bill of Rigths? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Did Obama sign into law to extend the very things you are asking?

So what's your point?
Iaintliein's Avatar
Did Obama sign into law to extend the very things you are asking?

So what's your point? Originally Posted by robin hood

Jedi mind control. Bush is controlling the POSITOO from Crawford, just like he made Kerry, Gore and both Clintons tell the world that Iraq's WMD program had to be stopped, long before he ran for POTUS. The guy is amazing!

My recent 7% increase in healthcare premiums is largely to pay for the mandated Obamacare provisions.....
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Jedi mind control. Bush is controlling the POSITOO from Crawford, just like he made Kerry, Gore and both Clintons tell the world that Iraq's WMD program had to be stopped, long before he ran for POTUS. The guy is amazing!

http://robotchicken.wikia.com/wiki/J...ster_George_W. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
What is POSITOO? And accusing Bush of mind control gives him too much credit. But there are people behind the scenes pulling the strings, I am almost positive of that.

WE, Bush was as anti American as Obama is. The "Patriot Act" opened the door to open defiance of the Constitution. He, and those who supported it, should be imprisoned for treason.