Just Being Honest!

throbin's Avatar
I'm a 52 year old guy that is having trouble taking care of business. I have had some serious health problems in the past and still have a ongoing condition. I have had 2 Heart Failures in the past 20 years and as you can imagine I am on plenty of meds, bunch of blood thinners and other heart meds. I went without sex for about 15 years just because I could not make it happen and with my condition I was just not stable enough to take Viagra or anything else. All of this time though I never lost my lust for women, still love looking at all of you and still would check out porn all the time. Finally a couple of months back I talked to my Dr. again and he let me try some Levitra. It looked like it was going to work in the beginning but now seems to be slowing down. I have been with 6 girls so far in the hobbie and have not been able to finish yet, not there fault all of them really tried. I can get It up a little enough for some bbbj, but you put a cover on me and I go limp. Now I can come home later and I am able to take care of myself, go figure! I am not dead yet, I still work out 5 days a week, walk about 2 to 3 miles a day and lift light weights 3 days a week. Have been told that I look good and don't look 52 even though I will be 53 in Aug. If you will check my reviews I still had a great time with all of the girls and all were very understanding. All of this being said I still love being around a woman, her looks, the smell, and taste. So my question is what do you girls think about a guy like me? Are you scared that something might happen or are you willing to let me come play? Even if it is only me getting daty and dato it is still better than the 15 years I went without. There are so many of you out there that I want to see! Thank's
I dont think it would be a problem at all. I appreciate your honesty and candor and I think its a great idea to be open about your health issues so that we can be aware, and not go over board with the hot and rocking sex. Lol. There was a thread here not too long afi and I think the consensus was to tell your lady whats going on so if the unexpected should occur it won't be a panic ridden situation.
I don't think there would be a problem so long as
a. you and your woman came up with a story for your meeting should something happen
b. she knows CPR and how to handle herself in a crisis
c. preferably someone who is going to keep an eye on you during playtime and stop to ask if you need a breather. Slow and steady can be a lot better in the end than a bunch of wham-bam-crazy heart rhythmic sexiness.
d. you put a codicil to your will including your ATF if end up dying in her arms and she did everything she could to prevent that. (hey! That's traumatic stuff! I'd need some serious bereavement leave if that happened!)
Not at all. We would focus more on the pleasure of each other's company rather than getting to a destination. Enjoy the ride honey!
Sometimes it is not the destination that matters but the journey that counts the most. You don't HAVE TO have sex to enjoy a beautiful woman. There can be many things that are enjoyable without the ejaculation. Just cuddling and caressing and kissing are very passionate in their own sense. I would imagine that any paid professional you go to will understand and have sympathy. And honestly, as long as you pay us, we do not care if we have sex or not. Skin to skin contact is a therapy of its own, and believe it or not, there are many men that seek this type of therapy. Don't worry about it too much. Everything will be okay!
jaydalee's Avatar
A couple of gents I see are in a similar situation as you and I have no problem whatsoever seeing them.Just be honest about what is going on with you so a lady knows what is going on.There are many other ways to have an enjoyable sensual time with a provider and as long as you are satisfied that is all that matters.
Good luck to you!
ForumPoster's Avatar
You may want to contact ladies who are using Female Condoms as alternative.

P411 now lists it as one of options.

Ms. Athena's Avatar
Thank you for sharing, and please continue to share up front with any providers you see. This will allow her to watch for any signs of over stress and back off or respond as needed. As I am a nurse as well as a Kinky Cock Slut, I am aware of just what could really happen while in the throws of passion. There are many types of sensual sexual pleasure you both can enjoy and keep the pace light...........Have Fun, YUM!
I know you were pointing this thread more towards the Girls, but I can't sleep so i am gonna put my two cents in. First of all everyone has this problem at one point or another. Don't blame your meds or your condition entirely. Your brain has something to do with it too. Fantasy, you're able to "Toss Off" without much trouble so incorporate more fantasy into a session. Condoms can be a problem. If a Girl will agree to this, may help. On your next visit have a provider chew up about four or five Alto Mints, lol. and then have her give you a BBBJ. This could do one of two things, either burn the shit out of your dick or it can open up the flood gates and you could have a little better results. I do wish you luck, cause I know what you've described is frustrating. Take Care.
I feel your pain THROBIN ...at 56 and some medical problems over the last 3 or 4 yrs (no heart problems thank goodness ) just the big C and knee surgery I have gone thru some of the same things as you ...blood thinners , blood pressure meds , all make the little guy not want to cooperate and the ED medicine only works to a certain extent .
It makes you appreciate the women a little more when you find one that is paitent with you and understands the situation.
Sometimes things work like a charm and other times you cant keep a boner for your life ..lol
But i found i enjoy the little things now..being held, the smell of a woman, laughing with them and enjoying their personality and its not so much about the conquest to get pussy.
Dont get me wrong i still enjoy sex but when you have these little set backs it makes you look at the entire picture.
All i can tell you is keep trying and dont give up .. you will have good days and bad days.
Find you a ATF that understands the situation and it will make it easier on you.
throbin's Avatar
Thank's to all you Ladys and Gents for the positive response and the Tips offered. Believe me I will keep trying, so many beautiful women out there.
FK's Avatar
  • FK
  • 05-11-2012, 05:07 PM
I've had a lot of success with the female condoms or FC2's. I always carry them now. Thanks Lina, I didn't notice that option to select!

Happy Hobbying!