That sinking feeling

Satyrrical's Avatar
Gawd, I hate that sinking feeling as time draws near with no response. You come to realize, after each second, with more certainty that it's not going to happen.
shorty's Avatar
Guess the Sinking Feeling is better than the Stinking Feeling!
You should always have a back up plan esecially when traveling and your not familar with the area.
Yup. Plus, how much time did you give her to respond and screen you? Sometimes, from the short notice I get from some fellas, I wonder if they think I live my life nearly 24/7 in a hotel cage.
Satyrrical's Avatar
I really wasn't trying to start yet another thread bitching about NCNS in general. I was commenting on the hour or two leading up to the appointed time where you sink slowly into knowing it isn't happening. Hey, sometimes there is a last minute save. Or a late start, but I having that feeling beforehand does effect the mood.

From the providers POV too. Lying on the bed, in your nice lace, having spent awhile on your makeup, watching the candles burn lower.

It's even a relief when you write the appointment off in your mind.

I dunno, maybe I am just bitching.