What The Heck Happenned to Austin? Ladies traveling listen to your co- workers. lol

So it's been over 2 years since I have been stationed here and decided to come back for a short visit. I was actually passing through and decided to stop to prove what I heard from other providers wrong. I heard this was not a good City to work in or travel to.

Now Austin has always been a Hobby side kind of city, us providers know this. This board always favors the hobbiest over the provider 99% of the time that still has not changed.
This board even has a filter system for the back page ad's who is real who isn't who is pimped out WOW I bet every city wish they had that good job yep this city is spoiled. lol but that is a very good added thing to the community.

I placed an ad here and backpage and only had 3 calls and all 3 were repeat clients I had seen before. My timing was bad since I was in and out but at least they called.

I had sent Rockin Robin here a few months back told her she should do well she is a rocking hot blonde with a strippers body and a great personality and is a member here and it was a bust for her no one called.
A few other lady's that do the whole shebang also told me the same thing that it was a complete bust. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

So since I was passing through from San Angelo to Houston and really did not want to drive 6 hrs. straight I decided to stop and go to Baby A's Auboritum area Boy I like that shrimp caso. Hang out at my old stomping grounds and see for my self. After 3 BP ads boosted at 10 bucks a pop and a 125 room. Yep it was not only a bust but a minus bust not even 1 to cover expenses.

Not sure what happened but something major happened here. Hope it gets fixed quick.. I still have friends and family here I like to visit.

So yes Ladies the rumors are true from my experience. And to all the Lady's that I thought were off their rocker for telling me this was not a good city to travel to; that I should of listened to. Hell I would of saved $150 bucks. I OPOLIGIZE FOR SAYING YOU WERE CRAZY.. Oh well I am the kind of girl that has to see for my self especially when I have great history with the city
It was just so hard to believe that in just 2 years it had went down that much but dang it did.

Please note: That I did not give a lot of warning I was coming and Did not stay long... How ever I have never been to any city and put a BP ad up 3 times and get ZERO calls never hell that has never happened ever ever in any city not even in the cities that had major stings.
MoneyManMatt's Avatar
I can't speak for a lot of guys here but sometimes a short notice, short stay isn't compatible for some of the guys (like myself). A lot of us have full time jobs and (if it's anything like me), we have a hard time leaving at will to have an appt. A lot of guys also have familys (wives) so moving funds on short notice can also raise some red flags for them.

For me personally, I wanted to see Rockin Robin while she was here but I was also looking for FS. She informed me last time (actually the last time she came to San Antonio) that it's she doesn't offer the FS menu. Therefore, I passed. Maybe that's why she had a bad trip. I would rather pay 150 for a 30 min FS appt rather than a 1 hr massage plus happy ending appt. That's just my opinion. Tell her if she's FS, I'll see her in a heartbeat.
She and I are booked in almost any city we go to with our menu exactly the way it is doll. I have had full service providers tell me the very same thing.. and they gave notice etc..There is also a full service provider that lives here and has ALL Yes's on the board and she calls me daily to ask where I am going to travel to next cause she can not make it here.... But hey I am just passing the information that I have along and maybe the short notice had a lot to do with it but it does not change the fact that ZERO calls came in from 3 ads.. never happens never never. And what lady wants to spend 3 or more hrs on the road and pay hotels just to have to lower there price or change there menu? None that I know. There are hundreds of city's that are the bomb and hundreds of city's that bomb..lol I was just saying Ladies listen to those that you trust to tell you from there experience. You will save $
ALSO.. some city's are good for certain services and some not. Some are great only on weekends some great only on weekdays like San Angelo Friday and Sat..are not good but Sunday through Thursday for me was great too bad you can't get a room and they are almost 200 bucks a pop
mastermind238's Avatar
It's not just bad for traveling ladies. Mady local ladies who were able to make a decent living when I started hobbying are now struggling to pay rent. If they didn't already have RW jobs before they started providing, they're in a bad way now because getting a RW job after 3-5 years as a full time provider is very difficult.

But I hear Dallas is just as bad, if not worse.
Depends on where in Dallas. I still do very well when I go back home but I do have lots and lots of regulars. I am still trying to decide where to get a house at my choices are down to Lewisville and Katy dang I love them both but will probably choose Lewisville the Lake and all and I do real well there.
fun2come's Avatar
As somebody who so far has been a locavore in his short Hobby life, isn't that a great testament to our local ladies here ??? Yeah !!!

So my question would be if traveling ladies may have to up their game or come up with some other clever "marketing and sales" gimmicks for Austin? Would that work?

As for local ladies struggling, even though Austin seems to be doing great, budgets are tight, in addition S.A. is very close and a short drive away.

Could it be a market thing? Sometimes asking more $ means less business and income. Adjusting down may mean more work but more income. Tough struggle ... I am sure they are working on finding their sweet spots.
This is interesting! I was planning on being up there Sunday and Monday. :/ Maybe not!
Gr8fun's Avatar
Tracy A, if this info is all true, then if you don't have any prebookings -- then it may be a bust -- it is a business and you have to consider your options.
One might also consider that from what I have been told by numerous ladies is that July is usually a slow Hobby month because of vacations and kids being out of school.

I don't know how applicable that it is in this case, but I have had several ladies tell me this over the years. If your visit coincided with the Holiday weekend, then it also probably had some impact on the amount of interest generated.

Does that mean that I don't believe that things in Austin, for that matter, the Hobby in general have changed. Of course not. It has changed, but all businesses change and the folks involved in any given business must adapt to the changes if they are going to continue to have success in their chosen business.

I have beat this dead horse for years and years both on this site and the P,,

IT TAKES MONEY TO MAKE MONEY!!! when are you Providers going to learn this?

Is there some Provider handbook that says you ALWAYS have to make money for it to be a successful trip? To me yall are acting like you have some sense of Entitlement

I have been in sales for 25 years 17 of that on 100% commission.
I have spent thousands and thousands of dollars on travel and sometimes you just do not get it back and its either you keep trying or find another market.. for me I kept trying and it paid off!! and some markets after a few times I cut my losses and moved on.

So please quit discounting Austin after 1 trip.. that not how Free Markets work. If you come here twice and make $0 or lose then move on..
nuglet's Avatar
My take-away was her statement about the trip being a bust (-$150).. At $200+ for locals, (good or bad service) that doesn't look like such a loss. Offering more or better product for a better price is a way to fight a slow market if you don't have enough regulars to cover expenses. There's a lot of "good enough" services, we need more excellent providers. Either way we're fronting more $ per hr visit than you lost, and it's a toss up whether it's a good deal or not. Sorry your trip wasn't productive, but something would need to STAND OUT to risk spendiing more $$ for an hr of someones' time.
Time to up the game ....
harkontume's Avatar
I don't understand it.

Are we suppose to call just because you are "here"?

Last count there were over 200 eccie providers already "here".

Do not most traveling ladies do so because it is slow at their base?
( I know, I know, there are many ladies that all they do is travel)

I saw your notice, I read your reviews and.. and... well nothing said to me Wow! What a lucky guy I am! Majichands is coming to Austin!

Just saying.
"No matter were you go there you are."
Easy Cum's Avatar
Me being new to ECCIE has changed my hobby habits greatly, and in a good way, for me at least. I used to choose providers based on their pics and promises of great service just to end up being disappointed on several occasions. I now use ECCIE extensively and base my dissensions on research, my pecker be damned.

I am now a frugal hobbyist and better for it. Trying to hobby in Las Vegas, where I just relocated from last year, was a nightmare, and the Austin seen is so much better.

ECCIE in Austin is a great thing. Maybe what providers are dealing with here are educated Johns, thanks to ECCIE, and the easy marks are drying up.
Was just surprised since I use to live there. And was just speaking what happened to me and what others had said... And yes July is always slow anywhere but not as slow as zero calls I left my ad up just to see if I would get any calls and nope it is almost 2 and not one call...
<><> Peace probably be back in the winter when I visit family to see if it is the same
GneissGuy's Avatar
Majichands, from a quick look at your showcase and services, there are many local ladies who look like better prospects.



The hurdle IS higher for a visiting lady in most cases. Unless there is a shortage of good local ladies, who try an unknown visiting lady unless she somehow stands out?

I know the local ladies better. If I try a new one and like her, I'm more likely to be able to see her again when I'm ready. There are quite a few locals already on my to do list.

I do occasionally see a traveling lady who stands out and I will want to see her, but she needs to stand out somehow. She has to be top notch and stand out in her ads and showcase.

The other side of the coin is that we get lots of traveling flakes. Lots of NCNS from visiting ladies. I don't know if they're getting better offers or just decide to go out "drinking" and lose track of time. Many of the visiting ladies are very poor about scheduling. There are also a lot of traveling nutjobs. They can't stay in one place very long without the locals figuring out she's a train wreck.

I'll assume you're not personally a flake. However, the traveling flakes make guys gunshy about all traveling ladies.

Austin hobbyists also don't seem to be that interested in massage providers.