started new gym and talk about pain, any helpful advice to give me ?????

so started going to the gym and been running and exericing alot woke up this morning and almost fell, anyone else first start working out and muscles all over are tight, yeah that was me lol felt like my muscle in my legs were so tight that I could barly walk until I streched the muscles out, Good god how long does this last???? And any exercies that anyone knows of that really actually works on stomach and toning up your body, I am not big so I figure if I tone things will hopfully be upright again lol if any good knowledge to help that would be awesome, thanks
Bananas, Asparagus (Careful with the taste it leaves in your body) , lots of water, make sure to walk slow..
Good for you ...
I will try that I run for 20 mins and the last 2 mins I power run, wall sits and leg crunchs, trying to do all I learned when I was doing mma, but not as in shape as I was a year and a half ago, lol
MoneyManMatt's Avatar
warm up and cool down properly. Also, make sure to stretch.
Hey girl, I work out with a trainer three days a week...

The best things to do have already been mentioned. Stretch thoroughly BEFORE AND AFTER. Eat well (my trainer says small meals/snacks every three hours), drink lots of water and when you are that sore that you can't walk, stretch really good and maybe go hit the treadmill, high incline but stick around speed 3. It's really crazy but when I'm sore and I work out again the next day, the soreness actually fades.

Good luck! The key is consistency! Looking forward to seeing your results!
Thanks girlie, I cant wait either lol my issue is the consistancy, and eating, I dont really like to eat alot I have noticed most my meals is liquide which is mostly soda, but I am going do diet sode and more water I just hate taste of water Hope this all works
No pain No gain sweetheart.... always warm up and stretch every morning.... No fast food, soda, or fried foods..... Baking, salads, lots of water and smoothies or juice is always helpful too...
  • Annef
  • 07-12-2013, 09:22 PM
Yoga. I run a lot and get really stiff sometimes. when I combine that with yoga, I feel a lot more limber! Good for you!
Rogue_Gent's Avatar
For sore joints and muscle, I have had good results rubbing on Arnica Gel. Also, Ibuprofen (Advil) or Aleve is good for muscle and joint pain.

A bit of advice, use lower weights and higher reps for a while until you get used to some burn. Try three or four sets of 12 repetitions. The last rep should be a little difficult.
My best advice is to keep it fun, be consistent, and make sure you don't overtrain. Don't be like me... I work out hard for a few months, get injured. Work out hard for a few months, then get burned out... over and over. I'd be in so much better shape if I would just learn to take it a little easier and have fun and stay healthy.

And ya, def make sure to drink a lot more water... you will feel way less sore. Maybe buy one of those 2.5 gallon jugs of purified water at the grocery store... tastes way better than Austin tap water!

Good luck Shayla, and keep it fun!
bigv123's Avatar
I am a professional trainer with coming up on 20 years of experience. Shoot me a PM if you'd like to discuss your program and the how's and why's of DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). ;-)

Give Austintatious Lilly a call. She's an RMT and I bet she could work out that soreness. Then, call me up so I can come over and watch.
Yes stretching, water, proper consistent nutrition will lead to better health. I dont allergy medicine anymore because started a proper nutrition that ha alleviated effects. Exercise consistent program then mix it up after you start feeling like you are not working as hard means body has adjusted and needs a change up.
nativetexan2708's Avatar
Thanks girlie, I cant wait either lol my issue is the consistancy, and eating, I dont really like to eat alot I have noticed most my meals is liquide which is mostly soda, but I am going do diet sode and more water I just hate taste of water Hope this all works Originally Posted by shayla84
I read in your first post that you want to concentrate on your stomach and overall core. I'm sure you've heard it a million times, but soda, diet or regular, are some of the worst things you can put in your body. Your stomach can be as strong as you can get it but it won't appear to be unless you eat correctly. Eat right, lots of water, and stretching.
Man I got to start slow nativetexan, I will have like withdraws if I dont have some type of soda during the day,so diet then water lol