I have heard alot about CC but know little about it..........

What are the debate issues around CC ?

Does this student have it right ?

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-15-2013, 07:30 AM
This web-site is about Common Whores

LOL...................common and not so common.............

This web-site is about Common Whores

Originally Posted by WTF
I B Hankering's Avatar

"Published on Nov 7, 2013
Recorded at the Knox County School Board Regular Meeting
November 6, 2013

TN Student Speaks Out About Common Core, Teacher Evaluations, and Educational Data."
I saw that video IB; made me wonder about CC so I thought I would ask the Political Forum; always good for a range of rants from the good to the bad, from the real to the imagined!

Is this an issue that falls along traditional ideology divide ? I.E. if you are conservative you are opposed to it, liberal you support it ? Or something else ?
I B Hankering's Avatar
I saw that video IB; made me wonder about CC so I thought I would ask the Political Forum; always good for a range of rants from the good to the bad, from the real to the imagined! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Apologies. Your video in the OP wasn't visible when I wrote the reply. That kid was very well spoken. CC doesn't really address the problems in American education. The vast majority of teachers go into education with the aim to help kids; so, teachers, for the most part, are not the problem. Reducing the student to teacher ratio would be a step in the right direction, but that would mean hiring more teachers and constructing schools with more classroom space.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-15-2013, 10:14 AM
LOL...................common and not so common.............

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
We are all common whores to something or other. Lol. Education is a tricky subject. The family structure is nothing like it was 50 years ago. There is just no one size fits all solution. Imho
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 11-15-2013, 12:38 PM
We are all common whores to something or other. Lol. Education is a tricky subject. The family structure is nothing like it was 50 years ago. There is just no one size fits all solution. Imho Originally Posted by WTF
I agree - what works in one area won't work in another. However, starving urban schools of resources isn't the solution, either. With their rundown, neglected facilities, poor equipment, and underpaid teachers, the schools become a breeding ground for crime and hopelessness.
Taxpayers aren't "starving" schools of resources; Americans spend more per capita on K-12 than almost any other country.

The failing Detroit school system spends $15,500 per student; more than most other developed European and Asian countries. More than Switzerland spends !
RochBob's Avatar
This is a true statement. Unfortunately the return we are getting for that investment is abismal. All of the City School Districts in the State of New York have a 65% or less graduation rate. The "Experts" blame it on all kinds of different things (Broken homes, Parents moving their Kids to better Suburban Schools, etc.). The entire Public Education in the United States needs a major revamp to give Kids a chance at a decent life in our increasingly Knowledge based Economy.
And teachers are not under paid; the average public school teacher's salary in Michigan is about $63,900 for 8 months of work. That is the equivalent of $95,900 in real world payroll......

Teachers want to be compensated like a professional, they need to work professional hours.....about time America's school system be a 12 month gig. A waste of taxpayer money for classrooms to site idle for 3 months of the year.
I agree; ...100%..

This is a true statement. Unfortunately the return we are getting for that investment is abismal. All of the City School Districts in the State of New York have a 65% or less graduation rate. The "Experts" blame it on all kinds of different things (Broken homes, Parents moving their Kids to better Suburban Schools, etc.). The entire Public Education in the United States needs a major revamp to give Kids a chance at a decent life in our increasingly Knowledge based Economy. Originally Posted by RochBob
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-15-2013, 02:05 PM
And teachers are not under paid; the average public school teacher's salary in Michigan is about $63,900 for 8 months of work. That is the equivalent of $95,900 in real world payroll......

Teachers want to be compensated like a professional, they need to work professional hours.....about time America's school system be a 12 month gig. A waste of taxpayer money for classrooms to site idle for 3 months of the year. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Agreed....children no longer need the summer off to go pick cotton. That is one of the things I meant saying the family structure is not the same as it was 50 years ago.
Students do not have to attend all 12 months; districts could rotate students on a schedule which utilized teachers and classrooms full time while students did an 8 or 10 month rotation.

This would be a compromise that the tourism industry might support; ya know, every 9 yo has to make the pilgrimage to Disneyworld !

But full time would be better for students, teachers, and taxpayers.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
The rotation idea: teachers stay on 12 months, students revolve around an 8 months schedule, student to teacher ratio goes down without more teachers or rooms. A logistics nightmare to schedule, but worth the effort for more efficiency.