american hypocrisy exposed once

Why aren't the news channels and all the people still talking about the mayor from Toronto who smoked crack?

Ooh ooh, let me. It's because we have a Congressman that gets caught red handed with coke.. Lol

Now the news is pro-rehab. And only a white dude could catch that charge and be out already with only rehab. EVERY African American with the same thing has went to jail. Just shows you can paint a pig red and dress it up, but all you'll have is a red dressed up pig. The U.S. will never change.
Well atleast not this generation
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 11-22-2013, 04:17 PM
Why aren't the news channels and all the people still talking about the mayor from Toronto who smoked crack?

Ooh ooh, let me. It's because we have a Congressman that gets caught red handed with coke.. Lol

Now the news is pro-rehab. And only a white dude could catch that charge and be out already with only rehab. EVERY African American with the same thing has went to jail. Just shows you can paint a pig red and dress it up, but all you'll have is a red dressed up pig. The U.S. will never change. Originally Posted by ladylove12
Amen sister!!!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm not sure why you're trying to get an argument. It is conservatives that think he should resign as his addition is a security risk for one thing. He has also been a promoter of a bill that requires people getting government aid to take random drug tests. So you have no argument from us, it is the left that tries to excuse, permit, and change the subject when a drunken, drug addled Kennedy runs into the curb at 2 AM.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yep it is pretty sad when you have a lyin, cheatin, sorry no good son of a bitch in public office regardless of which party they claim.
It is like the war on poverty and the war on drugs both tremendous failures yet we keep pouring money down that shithole subsidizing the impoverished to keep them in poverty and making the cartels bigger an stronger. Food stamps for one and gun walking for the other.
In the end the government gets to control the people while they rape them of their tax dollars.
And you suckers keep wanting to give more control and money to the government. How is that hope and change working out for you.

But what about the Children........we gotta save the children.......
Yeah force the family apart in order to get a better government subsidy; it is all a part of the master plan and you suckers support it.
Why aren't the news channels and all the people still talking about the mayor from Toronto who smoked crack? Originally Posted by ladylove12
Probably because the mayor is an entertaining mess while the Rep was apologetic and embarrassed.

But didn't we elect President an admittedly former marijuana and coke user?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The Mayor of Toronto has a higher approval rating than Obama.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Well it seems that the mayor of Toronto has accomplished more than Obama has even while shitfaced.
Why aren't the news channels and all the people still talking about the mayor from Toronto who smoked crack?

Ooh ooh, let me. It's because we have a Congressman that gets caught red handed with coke.. Lol

Now the news is pro-rehab. And only a white dude could catch that charge and be out already with only rehab. EVERY African American with the same thing has went to jail. Just shows you can paint a pig red and dress it up, but all you'll have is a red dressed up pig. The U.S. will never change. Originally Posted by ladylove12
Have you been watching the news at all?

The mayor of Toronto is all over the news. He was even the subject of a a Saturday Night Live skit. We even have a thread about him in this forum:

Also, Toronto is in Canada, NOT the US. His punishment and/or rehab isn't controlled by the US.

So, what is your point exactly? How is this American hypocrisy?

Also, despite what you mistakenly think, not every African American involved in drugs "has went" to jail. Like Gnadfly said, one of them got elected President.