Transexuals In This City?

Simply Simone's Avatar
Ive been driving thru here and have noticed
more than a FEW. Is this a known Tranny
city? Nothing against Trannys, We Love u
Bruce/Caitlyn, Im just askin?!?!
How funny you say that I am watching oxygen at 930 and what's on nothing but transsexuals with pom poms OMG IS THAT a
Satyrrical's Avatar
The city of Tennessee has a long and bountiful history of supporting those in the transformative lifestyle. Ever since Ms. Funbags Longjohnson settled our shores we have embraced those of the Rupaulian sect. Why just last week the city council of Tennessee passed a resolution to recognize the foot long hotdog with a side of melons as our official meal, silicon being the official flower for some time now. The city of Tennessee prides itself on jerking diversity into its city limits whatever the costs.

Long live the city of Tennessee!!!
That is too funny..,bunny... lol Well Living in Dallas alot of my life and my roots being Mardi Gras based I have seen drag tranny what ever you want to call it my entire life however it was mainly for Halloween Mardi Gras or clubs designed for that type of life style... I am just glad all my kids are all grown and I'm not having to explain why a 7 foot person with an Adams pale bigger than Abraham Lincoln has a wig and lipstick kids were very vocal as a children. My daughter asked the fat lady at day care WHY DID YOU EAT ALL THE COOKIES.!? I could just imagine what they would say to a man with a wig... I can just imagine the confusion of Bruce or Caitlin grandchildren pa paw is now MA maw... well you expect that on Greenville in Dallas NEVER WOULD OF GUESSED IT FOR THE HOME OF THE GRAND OLE OPRAH
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
I would love to hang out with some transexual or transgender women -- they are literally THE best shopping partners.