
Hi Nashville!

I've had a gentleman express interest in a future visit.

If you would also be interested in me coming to the Nashville area, PM me and let me know!
I'm in! Your reviews are fantastic. I hope you get enough interest to make the trip.
Well thank you, hon.

Are there boards that are more frequently used in Nashville?

Eccie seems kind of dead in Tennessee, in general.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Eccie seems kind of dead in Tennessee, in general. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
The hobby seems kind of dead in Tennessee, in general. Certainly in Memphis.

I seem to recall that babee, back when she was still active here, mentioned the forums in Big Doggie as being more productive for TN bookings than here. Then again, I've pretty much gone senile so I might be misremembering that. I suppose looking there and at the forums at TER might be useful.

And there is always Backpage.


You can count me in!