For Those Who Use It How Does The Chat Room Influence YOu

I stop into the chat room a few times day to see who is there and what the general discussion is about.
I have talked with different ladies and have made decisions on whether or not to see them by the conversations we had. You can certainly get the feel for what a lady may be like by her behaviour there.

I also talk to different guys in there and find some are cool guys and others will let things slip to show they aren't someone you would like to know in the real world.

I was just wondering how the chat room influences other users that frequent it as to their hobby practices ?
Also how do you like the chat room and its features , discussions ,etc ?

Lately there has been quite a bit of drama going on in there and some folks true colors have been shown.
Which definitely has changed my opinions on some of the members , especially those ladies who seemed to have the backs of the pimps who have been called out as of late.

How do you like the chat room and its atmosphere ?

I have enjoyed it but with the drama as of late , I seem to get a headache fairly quickly and don't spend as much time in there.

I really like the fact the ladies can post pics but would like to see a limit on how many times they can post the same set in an hour.

Ladies I love you all but if you are going to post your pics get a large selection so we are not seeing the same thing for the thousandth time.

Oh, I think we need a larger limit set for how many members can get into chat at one time. We have been reaching the 50 person limit way too often as of late .

All in all I find it too be a way to idle away some time when I have nothing better to do and I get to talk to some very nice folks.

Just expressing my opinions and certainly am not saying anyone should take them as anything other than my own musings. Not trying to make any rules,force my ideas on anyone.

If you have never been in chat ,stop in and see if you like it.
Chat is a mad house. I go in and run right back out.

I do like the features, I never learned how to post pics :-(

I actually do like chat when my provider buddies are in there.
Usually just go in and see if my chat buddy CanDo is there to see what kind of shenanigans he's got himself into lately. He makes some good recommendations. That's it. I'll agree with the fact that its a mad house and I usually get bored and leave.
pmdelites's Avatar
until one figures out where the "stop scrolling" switch is, it can get very confusing. i occasionally go there and if there's a woman i am thinking about, i'll chat w/ her to get some basic info, maybe see what she likes to do, etc. but since i dont go there much, a very small amount of value to me.
Nitwitboy's Avatar
I look for Tony Gambino and split if he is not there. I like watching him hit on every provider. I avoid the forum at all costs when a certain person is in there. Otherwise it is the ususal '"I think you are hot let's fuck" atmosphere.
Charlie Brown's Avatar
I stay busy with the regular world but I find time to visit there occasionally.

I sometimes get familiar enough with the ladies to continue the pursuit.......and it works just fine. It can really make re-peat meetings easy.

Seems a fair amount of " off the clock " cocktail hours spur from there.

In my opinion, it's like anything else - you can make it what you want or nothing at all.
I like Chat sometimes....There does tend to be too much drama and I stay away from drama...I like being able to post my pics...and I promise to have more soon to I try not to show the same one over and over...

I also have found several guys that I wouldnt want to see based off of chat...but I have also gotten to know some VERY sexy ladies that I now lust after!
Guest062512's Avatar
I used to go there ALL THE TIME. I had a good time cracking jokes and flirting with the ladies. I, too, have met some wonderful folks in there. Some I'd even like to call friends. I've also met some great ladies there and made some great connections.

However, recently a couple of the regulars took offense to something I said and began to get somewhat threatening. I learned a good lesson, though. All it takes is one lady with a short temper or one person with a jealous streak and life could become very difficult. I took that as sign to step back and re-evaluate things.

Now, I go into chat rarely and never participate on the board. I only see if there is someone there I'd like to chat with and try and connect with them on "private chat." I've also stepped away from the hobby, in general, for awhile. I'm sure it's not a permanent thing. I'll come back when I can feel comfortable and in control, and then, probably only with ladies with whom I am familiar and can trust.

As far as the current trends in the room are going. Sometimes it's seems friendly and jovial again, but sometimes when regulars are attacking pimps and pimpettes it becomes very uncomfortable. Then I just find a private chat and ignore the room at large.
Chat is great-if you can get past the drama, the pimps trying to recruit, the insane amount of pictures some folks post over, and over, and over...did i say over? again, the crybabies, having to look at undesirable pictures, and the drunk posters. Other than that, the chat regulars keep me laughing! LOL

Chat is crazy, so I rarely stay more than 5 or 10 minutes....unless I'm in need of a drama fix and then I hang out a little longer.
Maybe if one has been idle for more than 10-15 min. they can get pinged or timed out.

I watch most of the drama but try to stay out of it. Hotlips and txstarr are my chat queens. That's right, I said it.
lol ajax, love u too!
I'm in the Chat Room a lot, probably too much. But, it's a feature of the site that I truly enjoy and to be honest I didn't really feel like I was a part of the ECCIE community until I started participating in the chat room. That may sound weird but it's true.

I've learned a lot about some members while chatting with them or just reading their posts in the chat room. Yes, I've made decisions to see girls who I've "met" in chat based on private conversations and their pictures and I think a lot of guys would say the have at one point or another.

I've also decided that there are a few providers that I wouldn't ever see because of their chat room behavior. I don't mean to offend anyone but some of the providers in chat are down right mean and seem to be there just to stir shit up it seems, at times.

I would guess that there are girls who have me on a DNS list because of my chat room persona so that's okay too. I realize that the blade on that sword cuts both ways.

I enjoy the pictures posted there ( some of them are funny as hell, not just sexy women) and can see why some would want to limit pics but really it doesn't matter to me. I would like to see an end put to the fighting and bitching that seems to be going on a lot more lately but I know it's hard to moderate the room.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 01-07-2011, 09:27 PM
I enjoy chat. I have talked to quite a few people in there, have met some as well. Some of you guys are cool, funny and insightful. Some are bitchy and take things too seriously and are real defensive. But all and all, I like.
st929's Avatar
  • st929
  • 01-07-2011, 09:28 PM
I agree with what TA allowed me to get to know the ladies (and some of the fellow hobbiest). Do wish folks were limited to how many pics they can post and I will say if it comes down to seeing a provider I've met in chat or someone out of the blind, I'll choose the lady I've had a few moments to visit with and kinda learn who they are.