what should a provider do?

I had an appt. Set up today for 12:00 for a week now. I have been thinking about the appt all week because it has been a while since I saw this provider. I always considered her one of the best. When I emailed her today for the address she said that she was in the middle of a move all week and forgot to put me in her calander. She said that she could not do the 12:00 appt but could do a 12:45. I emailed back and said 12:45 is ok but I could only stay 15-30 minutes instead of the hour. I did not hear back from her so I emailed again if she would offer a 1/2 rate and since she had the time open and I could not stay the whole hour. Her response was "now you can piss off". My response was "what did I do wrong" I know she was willing to see me for 1 hour at 12:45 but that was not good for me. I will not mention the providers name so don't ask but what would other providers have done.and what do you guys think about this. I am not upset that she forgot about the appt just upset that she would not see me for the 1/2 hour.
DDarkness's Avatar
OUCH ... Having moved myself recently thats tough and I forgot a few things too however not work related! IMO if that was her response I would be, shall we say ... be annoyed myself.
PL - "Stuff" happens, this may be a good time to put aside the money you would have spent and put it to better use elsewhere. Two stressed out parties - One not relieved - Second - packing boxes. GLTA
Lexxxy's Avatar
To begin with, I am terribly sorry to hear about this experience
I personally ask that apts get confirmed or I don't have them. I would never set up a date for an exact time then and forget about it! I know for a fact that most Ladies wouldn't do that. This is after all, a customer service based business. I personally suggest seeing a provider that values and respects your precious time. I may be a smart ass and extremely opinionated on the board but when it comes to my business and regulars I am a sweetheart. I would bend over backwards to do everything within my power to make sure the Gents I see are exceptionally satisfied both with their experience with me as well as ease of setting up dates and communication. I'm not at all selling myself or anything of the sort BUT I am stressing that there are professional Ladies out there. Don't let this #*$(& deter you from having a wonderful time with someone else that actually deserves you business.
I hope your day gets better.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Be very happy you are not helping her move. If its one you have seen before and would like to again. Email her and ask her to let you know she is all set up in her new place.
If a lady is having difficulty keeping her appointment because of unforeseen distractions or time constraints, I would prefer that she either cancels or reschedules instead of seeing me under less-than-ideal circumstances.
I know she is in her place and working out of it already. Thank you lexxxy and make sure you save some time for me the next time you are in town.I tried last time but you were booked.
  • LynnT
  • 05-26-2011, 01:03 PM
F her for that attitude, she is the one who messed up.. Forgot you? The minute you confirm you go in my calendar..

Id never see her again if I were you. I personally would of offered you a deal to suck up as it was my mistake.. I also would of not have been mad if you asked what you asked.. I made the mistake not you..

And you should be mad she forgot you.. that is BS, this is a business and everyones time should be respected on both ends. I get super busy as I run 3 businesses and I would never forget an appointment.. no excuse.

If a gent messages you and asks, tell them who it is.. is she going to forget him too???
Lol lynn, and you look HOT, I am just hoping that she reads this and is a little more accomadating if it happens to another member. She knows who she is.
Chaz108's Avatar
This is after all, a customer service based business. I personally suggest seeing a provider that values and respects your precious time. Originally Posted by Lexxxy

F her for that attitude, she is the one who messed up.. Forgot you? The minute you confirm you go in my calendar..

Id never see her again if I were you. I personally would of offered you a deal to suck up as it was my mistake.. I also would of not have been mad if you asked what you asked.. I made the mistake not you..

And you should be mad she forgot you.. that is BS, this is a business and everyones time should be respected on both ends. I get super busy as I run 3 businesses and I would never forget an appointment.. no excuse. Originally Posted by LynnPL

Couldn't agree more from both of you! Some ladies have excellent TCB skills, and some are just deplorable. Funny how the latter ones seem to come and go very quickly.....
wow...thats too bad..she must not have a heads up on all the ladies in this area that
would just love to scoup you up! I don't usually treat my guys like that..so it wouldn't have happened with me..but in the event it would have..I would have def made it right...nita..
Chaz108's Avatar
I don't usually treat my guys like that..so it wouldn't have happened with me..but in the event it would have..I would have def made it right...nita.. Originally Posted by anita germane
Anita, you have excellent TCB skills, which is why you're an ATF among most gentlemen on this board.
Thank you Anita for that short notice appt. Last week. It was perfect.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 05-26-2011, 03:01 PM
Just curious; is she on this board and do you think she will read this thread and realize it is about her? She owes you a HUGE apology.

If you don't mind, could you PM me the name so I can make sure I never see her.
Just curious; is she on this board and do you think she will read this thread and realize it is about her? She owes you a HUGE apology.

If you don't mind, could you PM me the name so I can make sure I never see her. Originally Posted by GP
Me too +1