Chloe no showie

I'm on a roll, getting blown off by the best I guess. After a couple of previous attempts to meet Chloe where either our schedules didn't line up or she got a cold, I thought I had broken the code. I carved out a time that I guessed would fit her schedule. I dropped her a PM about five days in advance and she said the time looked good. I said I'd drop her a note the day prior and when the day came, I did. Sent a text as a backup. No reply to either. The appointment time came and went with no reply, so I didn't have any idea where to meet. Got a text 3 hours after the scheduled appointment saying she was back in town and had time to meet. My schedule wasn't that wide open so I guess I'll stay in the line of those that have tried and failed to meet Chloe.
downass's Avatar
pretty sure there is other poon out there. Why cry because she didn't show up. Why not call someone else.sit happens it's life.
Cpalmson's Avatar
To schedule with Chloe, you need to be flexible. Don't try to plan something days out. You pretty much have to be able to pull the trigger with her in a matter of hours.
To schedule with Chloe, you need to be flexible. Don't try to plan something days out. You pretty much have to be able to pull the trigger with her in a matter of hours. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Cpalm said it right on
Not crying, just letting others know. I'd like to know whether a provider is reliable or not when scheduling an appointment. I can then make a choice to figure out whether it's worth trying or not, depending on how much I really want to meet someone. Other reviews have said that Chloe's schedule changes a lot at the last minute without notice to the customer, so I knew I was taking a chance. The issue I have is not with schedule changes, it's with not knowing until after the fact. I've tried last minute appointments and an appointment in advance and come up short both ways. Her pictures are hot and even those that have been blown off several times said it was worth continuing to try because she is fun to be with. Just putting the information out there.
Sounds like We all need to exercise a little self respect.,,,I mean, we cont. to explain or justifying Chloe's behavior...
No lady, should be afforded the patience and tolerance for NS/ NC I have seen afforded this lady...everytime she does a NS , she doesn't have to explain herself,,,,,we rush to provide an explanation or justification for her...
.... a good provider is great in bed, but she is also a
class act outside the bedroom.. seems she has that first part down well....
She has been poor at communicating things. She does need to learn to text unless it is an emergency where it is not possible. In that situation then she needs to text the situation ASAP!
Jesus. I don't know how many more posts are on this board. The endless worshipping of Miss Dreams, the infinite Amazing Dixie retirements, or the bitching over Chloe's disrespectful communication. We are all wading through an illegal industry. Apparently she has a real life that she guards closely. Based on reviews she appears to be worth it. Get over it for god sakes. Just sayin
Cpalmson's Avatar
There are valid reasons for her NCNS. I know them. In the same breath, there are invalid reasons as well. Just comes with the territory. Marked her off my list. Would see her again, but no burning need to do it tomorrow. Would love to get her with another bi-sexual lady for a couple of hours. There would be some real fireworks
Wow I've been away from the boards for about a week and another NCNS thread on Chloe. OK were just missing the Miss Dreams worship and AD retirement thread then I guess it was like I never left . Seriously nice to be back.