
does anyone have any tips for signing up with preferred 411? i don't know anyone on that site so guys in dallas/ftw area with p411 accounts let me know if youd be willing to help me with a review, or can vouch for me! ladies, anything helps.. any bad experiences youve had, or things to look out for....
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Moved from Business Services for Providers
Did you already apply for membership and have it declined? If so, were you given a reason? If you haven't already applied or were declined without a reason given, for the most accurate advice, I'd inquire with P411 directly, so they can advise you on what exactly it is you need to work on (ex. more reviews, reviews by more established reviewers, a personal vouch, etc.). Or it could be that your application was just missing some info -- phone number or email address or something. Regardless, I'd just check with them and see what they need. They're very friendly and easy to work with.
Poppa Joe's Avatar
P4 is cool every lady and hobbyist should have one . I travel a lot and where ever I go I can use P4.
Wicket's Avatar
I have recommended several ladies for P411 membership. Ask one of your clients and happens to be a P411 client to recommend you for membership. When I did this, they were literally on P411 the next day.