Trump denigrates the Medal of Honor

Another in his long line of simply stupid comments.

He shoots stupid comments constantly. What a president says matters, and he makes these sound bites that will cost him another election.
He's a true fucking moron. And a disrespectful piece of shit. Looking forward to beating his ass at the ballot box once and for all in November.

lolol he isn't going to win
I like how none of the right blowhards on this site won't comment in defense.
I like how none of the right blowhards on this site won't comment in defense. Originally Posted by hornymm
I believe they even realize some of Trumps flippant comments can’t be excused.

These comments will cost him the election. He’s not as smart as he thinks he is. Not even close.
I believe they even realize some of Trumps flippant comments can’t be excused.

These comments will cost him the election. He’s not as smart as he thinks he is. Not even close. Originally Posted by Charley3

And yet, the people who praise him when he does shit, but fail to defend him when he does shit again, are nothing but pure hypocrites.

You can't pick and chose. You need to acknowledge the downs, as well as the ups. Quite frankly, the downs outweigh the ups by an order of magnitude.

By not acknowledging when he does something wrong, it shows that they are smart enough to know right from wrong, but stupid enough to ignore the wrongs.

Anyway, back on topic. As a person in a family who had people fight in both great wars, fighting against Nazis and fascists, Trump is abhorrent. I can't imagine how any member of the service could respect him, after all the disrespect that he had shown to the men and women who fight for us.

Like... you don't go to a restaurant and insult the chef.. because that's how you get spit in your food.