Yeah? Well he LOOKS Like a Terrorist!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Leon Panetta says that if they think a person is a terrorist, then that person is a terrorist and can be killed on order of the POTUS. Whether a citizen or not.

What the hell kind of country are we becoming? We certainly can't claim the "Home of the Free" label anymore.

The kind of country determined to prevent the murder of innocent Americans?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Or the kind of country who imprisons political opponents on baseless charges. That's what the NDAA will do. When we can kill and imprison citizens based on conjecture, there is no freedom. You really don't like the Constitution, do you?

When we give up liberty to achieve some security, we will soon have neither. That's a paraphrase of Ben Franklin. It's as true today as it ever was. Once the government has the ability to protect us all, they have the ability to enslave us all. If you like living in a police state, fine. I don't want to. I think freedom is something worth preserving.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The same kind of country that imprisons an entire section of their society because their beloved leader says these people might betray their country just like in the last war. One little jump to killing all those people and cremating their remains in ovens. Yeah, they deserved it because they screwed Germany over in the last war.

I could have replaced Germany with Cambodia, Vietnam, USSR, China, et. al.