Review Disappointed by Megan Cox

TheHire's Avatar
Date: 6/11/2016
Provider: Megan Cox
User ID:: Megan Cox
Phone: after contact
Email Address:
URL / Website:
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Address: Galleria Area
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: None See Physical Description
Session Length: Supposed to be 1 Hour
Fee: None
Hair Length and Color: Brunette past shoulders per pics
Age: Not Sure
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: All right boys, mods, TheHire here. For those of you that know me, you know I am one of the most easy going, chill "Jon's" in the hobby. I am also very dilgent in my research, and very respectful to providers wishes and time. So I am writing this review to just let you know what happened me today, and let you know that I feel very diappointed about the way I was treated today. Let me pre-text and say that I am not racist, I have a large mix of friends. I don't care if you are black, white, yellow, blue, skinny, fat, muscular, straight, gay, or whatever else. I have friends that fit in every race, category, socio econmic class and everything. So because of all this I am bummed that a provider would treat a possible customer in this manner.

So to the story. I saw Megan Cox's WW, Ad's, and Reviews and through all the reaseach ID'd her as a provider I would like to see. For any provider I pick I send usally 2 forms of communication, one e-mail and one PM and hope that they respond. Both messages are idential. They contain my contact info, references, and a bio about me. From there I obvioulsy don't know what happens. I assume the Provider reads the e-mail, checks the refs, and then if I make there cut they contact me.
Once I receive there contact I immediately setup a incall asap so I can get in and see them. Now I travel alot for work and fun, so this at times can be a challenge, but once I get my appointment I stick to it.

Now Megan, was quick to respond. Excellent TCB, I assume she read my message, checked my ref's, and read my bio. As she wanted to set an appointment. For several weeks our schedules did not mesh. In fact this past week she txt'd me when I was in Hawaii competing in a sporting event, and I told her I would have to catch her next time. Well my plans changed and I have to be on the East Coast for work next week so I decided to fly back early on Thursday instead of on Sunday as originally planned. So because of this I txt'd Megan, and she said she was available Saturday morning. I requested if we could meet a bit early and she said that is the earliest she met. The morning of the appointment I got a surprise txt from her saying she could meet early. I had just got done working out, but told her I would shower and make my way over. Now I live near DFW, and her incall was Galleria, so getting there quickly I thought might be a challenge. But since it was the weekend I had no issues.
OK So here is where it gets bad, we txt a few times, exchange address, I text her when I arrive and she sends me room number.

I make my way up to the room and knock on the door and hear the TV on and hear someone come up to the door so just stand steady. At that point I knew she was there but was assuming she was still getting ready. Now just some background. I am 100% Asian, both mother and father, and they are both 100%. I am 1st generation, meaning parents from Asia, and I was born in US. Now I had been in Hawaii, outside almost the whole time so I was pretty tan. Then I get a txt that surprised me:

[No form of private communications between members are to be posted in our forums - GM]

So, at this point I'm like OK, let me just txt her back so I then send back:

"Me: I am Asian, Just dark as I just got back from Hawaii, so you don't see Asians"

So 5 to 6 minutes pass and I feel weird just standing in the hall, so I make my way back down to the lobby and sit in front of the TV where the World Cup is on... After 10 minutes I text her back....

OK, so let's break this down. First of all, if she read my message, and checked my ref's she should I was Asian. It is the first sentence in my Bio. Next thing, is if she feels uncomfortable with persons that are not Caucassian, she really needs to put in her Ads that she only see's Caucasian persons. And finally, I get it, she is a provider I am a Jon. But if she did not feel comfortable at least Txt with me and let me know. Don't leave me standing in the hall way. Then not respond to my texts. That was totally unprofessional. For those of you that know me from the Socials I am very easy going. But this was very disrespectful. What could she have done better. Well first off, how about consider that I just travelled all that way to see her. I provided her with everything she needed to know about me. And most of all, since we were all set and you have some final reservations, how about communicate with me, instead of just standing behind the closed door hoping I would go away.

I'm just saying. So based on all that everyone, finalize your own opinion of her. Mod's I know I techinically did not see her, and there will be no ROS as there was no BCD, since the door never opened. But I believe it is important to know how this all went down.
Let the comments begin...
Recommendation: No
CG2014's Avatar
Well shoot. You have 68 reviews and a long tenure on here. Did she not read your reviews?

Dang! Another one off my TDL.

So I presume everyone of the guys who posted a review on her were White?
needingmilking's Avatar
Maybe it depends in the shade, after certain pantone code number, she wont see you...
Her ad should read "not seeing men with skin color pantone 465 or below"
That was is not based in race, but science!
Shep3.0's Avatar
The bro.

I am about dead right now. I need help from not laughing.

Dude.....You see why I stay out of the sun.

You should have pulled your pants down and said see I am asian.

CG2014's Avatar
My college roommate is Filipino and people always put him down as Mexican on official paperwork like employment application, payroll, driver's license, credit card applications, mortgage documents, etc.
Sorry for your experience, she is a cute girl, but inexperienced. I saw her few days ago. Review coming soon
Interstellar's Avatar
Sorry man that happens to you. Driving a long way to see a provider and got this. It is even worse than NCNS.
gman44's Avatar
moved to coed
mrredcat43's Avatar
She didn't screen you bruh..your refs would have told her your ethnicity

These girls are too busy to do all that...they just look at review count or okays
Knight2554's Avatar
So are Megan Cox and Natalia La Costa the same girl?

Big coincidence.
Just a coincidence...none of them check references to verify the client's ethnicity

One of them relies on clients to be honest and abide by her rules... the other may have something against darker Asians
If she has a No Asians policy, she needs to list it or screen properly

If Op is so dark to the point of being mistaken for AA...I'm sure his refs would have mentioned that

Another client problaby took his spot in a heartbeat... She still wasted his time