"Won't Someone Take My Blood?"

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

So over the years, I've been tempted to give blood because I have a relatively rare blood type. Let me change that sentence meaning a little bit. Not sure if it's THAT rare but I'm a universal donor (not sure if that actually exists but I was told that once).

But I cannot, honestly, answer the questions that the techs ask of me. "Have you had sex with a man that has had sex with men?" Ahhh ... probably.

"Have you ever had sex for money?" Well, bingo!

Tits and Sass presented an interesting article (that is sited above) discussing the donating of blood from sex workers and also, the LGBT community of people.

I think that this could be an exceptionally interesting discussion.


Do you believe that healthy people (like me) should NOT be allowed to donate blood because of their profession or sexual orientation?

Warmest hugs,
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
This is going to be a interesting thread.
needingmilking's Avatar
Oh boy...
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
This is going to be a interesting thread. Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
Oh boy... Originally Posted by needingmilking
I know, right?

I figured it would go REALLY south, quickly. Or the topic might provide some interesting insight.

Or, the topic will be totally ignored. Which is a type of comment on its own.

I wonder what the Dallas mods are thinking right now as they consider the possibilities?

Anyway, I won't ask the the topic be closed. Not yet, anyway. Maybe someone will come along and make some comment that will be germane and not TOO inflammatory. ha

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
The last 2 paragraphs of the article:

Every unit of American blood donated goes through 13 tests before being used for transfusions, 10 of which are for infectious diseases including HIV and Hepatitis C. The National Institute of Health finds that advances in donor education and testing have lowered HIV transmission risk from transfusion from 1 in 1.5 million to 1 in 2 million blood units. All donated blood is also subject to a rigorous RNA test which essentially detects HIV at the time of infection.

The American public is not endangered by our trans and queer blood. But people in desperate medical need, like the victims of the Pulse nightclub shooting, can be hurt by the fact that blood banks turn so many perfectly healthy donors away. The FDA’s discrimination against so many groups of LGBTQ people is simply one end of a spectrum of transmisogyny, homophobia, and transphobia which culminates in the murderous hatred of the Orlando shooter.
I give blood regularly. Fuck their questions. They have to ask them for legal reasons but in the end they have to test and screen every drop of blood they receive as if the person who donated it just left their secret life in Thailand where they lived as a TG juicy bar girl.

If everyone told the truth on those questionaires there would be a severe blood shortage.
needingmilking's Avatar
We are in a very high risk group for hep, why would we want to donate if chances are our blood will have issues?
Just the waste of money and resources makes the point mute.
needingmilking's Avatar
I give blood regularly. Fuck their questions. They have to ask them for legal reasons but in the end they have to test and screen every drop of blood they receive as if the person who donated it just left their secret life in Thailand where they lived as a TG juicy bar girl. Originally Posted by THN
EXACTLY! Why waste person hours and money in a high risk group?
FunInDFW's Avatar
I think/feel this boils down to something really black and white. Do you think you are fit to give blood and do so in good conscience? Yes - give blood. No - don't give blood.

Granted, this doesn't particularly affect me as I'm the opposite spectrum for blood transfusions; but this is how I see these questions being asked or presented on a form.
EXACTLY! Why waste person hours and money in a high risk group? Originally Posted by needingmilking

It's a waste of time asking the questions. Just get the blood and run the tests.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Interesting answers, already.

I was hoping that you would chime in, THN!!!

The question isn't being presented because I have, personally, an overwhelming need to be a blood donor. Saw the article and thought it would be a great topic!

Isn't this topic is a bit more interesting, and provocative, than another one asking who has the biggest clit or the most fluffy breasts, etc.?

Discussion of such vital issues are important for us to go forward as a community, which is really only a microcosm of the whole.

Thanks for the comments thus far!!!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I think/feel this boils down to something really black and white. Do you think you are fit to give blood and do so in good conscience? Yes - give blood. No - don't give blood.

Granted, this doesn't particularly affect me as I'm the opposite spectrum for blood transfusions; but this is how I see these questions being asked or presented on a form. Originally Posted by FunInDFW
Good answer. Have to follow your conscious. Agreed.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Great thread. I get tested but am afraid to donate blood due to I've barebacked a few times here and I'm worried of how they report if you have issues. Don't need the SO seeing a letter in the mail.
Great thread. I get tested but am afraid to donate blood due to I've barebacked a few times here and I'm worried of how they report if you have issues. Don't need the SO seeing a letter in the mail. Originally Posted by TheEccie214

They would call you and bring you in. There's a formal and documented process of notifying someone that they are HIV positive. Regardless of how or where your blood is tested.
Testing the blood equals money and resources that could be better used. The simple reality is all of us, especially the providers are in a higher risk group. Why waste resources and time on a high risk group? As a big picture thing, perfectly understandable.

I don't see this as bias against anyone. If blood will save my life, I don't care who gave it.