Kaune once said a public official should resign if caught lying. Well Tim, time to step down:
He told a few whoppers but the biggest one is that Clinton used one device. What's his excuse? Amnesia? Concussion? Does he live in a cave ? One device? He made a complete ass of himself. A lying ass. He should be ashamed of himself. The ticket is complete now. They're both liars.
Originally Posted by bambino
This is another example that if you lay with dog, you will probably get flees.
Tim Kaine is another one of these so called "honest people", much like FBI Director Comey, who sold their dignity down the tube in fear of the Clinton's. They know what a reprehensible person she is. They know she is a pathalogical liar. They know she has the ethics of a crocodile. They know she has destroyed women in order to cover up her husbands escapades. They know she is inept in Foriegn Affairs, her record proves it.
They know she is a money grubbing cunt.
But, they support her. Amazing.