So I read this in a ladys showcase while Im browsing local ads and started salivating.......
"I have a very high sex drive so if you would like to do an overnight and make love all night long that definitely is no problem for me. I have a reputation for my specialties and am called a nympomaniac by many............. I have many reviews on many boards like TER,........."
Found out she had an NBA policy when I did my most did in this area. So it was a No-Go for me.
So I'm curious nationally if any ladys (of any body type under 40.....just perferably with defined curves) in other areas fit this quoted category and are known for it in your opinion gents. Whether or not they tour is of no issue, just want to know who the diamonds in the rough are. I did a search here and only got a total of eight pages of intel and most of the reviews were for the same ladies.
Ill take pms, but Id rather you post if possible.