Waco ---- Secret Santa's???

VipAhyanaJames's Avatar
Am wanting to know if Anyone would like to help a family in need this year and be a secret santa for some less fortunate young children? The mother lost her supportive husband 2months ago in a car accident and she just recently started working a new job to support herself and her kids.
She has a registered Layaway at The Bellmead Walmart that she has been struggling to pay for her children so they can at least have something at Christmas to enjoy. Their first Christmas without their Father.

If you would like to help out. I have the name and account number as have also donated to this family this year. The children are very young and deserving of the good Christmas their mother is wanting to give them.

The Deadline for this layaway is Monday. Dec. 11th.
You can go anonymously to Walmart and make a small donation towards the balance or if you would like to be a true Santa and pay the remaining balance.

In the Spirit of Christmas....ANYONE???
VipAhyanaJames's Avatar
I hope someone helps this lady and her kids this Christmas. Its always nice to help less fortunate and someone in need.

So Anyone Santa's this year want to bring forth some holiday cheer .....
Inbox me for info
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