I’m old enough to remember a crazy right wing racist president and his magat followers recommended shining a UV light up your ass to kill that virus

With Covid back in the news let’s all remember trumps inability to deal with a pandemic proven by his denials there was one and saying don’t worry by April it will go away.
With better leadership maybe we would not have had to shut down the whole country.
mtnitlion you forgot that he also said that covid can be treated if you inject a large amount of disinfectant into your body! He never said anything about putting a UV light in your starfish! fake news! Listen it to from the man himself! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zicGxU5MfwE

I'm old enough to remember the dump truck using a sharpie to try to redirect a hurricane. Thousands of people got hurt and lost their homes because of it.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
And we now know that shutting down the country was a huge mistake that only served to fuck up the economy for no reason. He should’ve went with his gut and rode it out like every other bad flu season. Stupid mistake that cost him the presidency, destroyed the concept of free and fair elections, and hammered peoples life savings into the dirt.
bambino's Avatar
And we now know that shutting down the country was a huge mistake that only served to fuck up the economy for no reason. He should’ve went with his gut and rode it out like every other bad flu season. Stupid mistake that cost him the presidency, destroyed the concept of free and fair elections, and hammered peoples life savings into the dirt. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
They were going to steal the election no matter what he did.
snoopy75's Avatar
You didn’t get any reaction to this in response to the other thread so you started an entire new thread? Good stuff.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 02-28-2023, 01:00 PM
There was an experimental light treatment but it was used in the lungs, not the ass.

Get it correct.
If he would have looked the camera in the eye and said we’ll beat this together because we’re the fucking USA. Worked WITH business and medical leaders instead of turning it into a political game, he could have kept businesses open and held things off till a vaccine came out.
Instead he did it his way that only fooled his sheeple.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
There was an experimental light treatment but it was used in the lungs, not the ass.

Get it correct. Originally Posted by Devo

and the treatment appears to have some value with covid patients. so Trump was right. who knew?

Trump didn't just make that up, he heard it from various experts while discussing possible treatments with them. naturally since Trump mentioned it the media labeled it "nonsense" and "crazy".

Reduced Viral Loads Seen in COVID-19 Patients Treated With UVA Light


you have to wonder about the motivations of The WHO and the Government by refusing to look at existing treatments that might be useful in treating covid and as it turns out several are.

it's clear the Government wanted the "vax" as the ONLY possible treatment in order to give people no other option but the "vax" or not take it at all. and given the large number of side effects waiting it out without the "vax" isn't nearly as "crazy" as people thought.

now that the "vax" has been shown not to prevent covid, doesn't prevent transmission and doesn't prevent even contracting covid one wonders where all the hollyweird assholes like Tom Hanks and Howard Stern are saying now? they yelled their tits off "demanding" people take the "vax" and some even said people should be forced to take it.
lustylad's Avatar
With Covid back in the news let’s all remember trump's Operation Warp Speed and how it produced vaccines in record time, thereby keeping millions of people alive who would otherwise have succumbed to the virus. Originally Posted by mtnitlion
Jacuzzme's Avatar
If he would have looked the camera in the eye and said we’ll beat this together because we’re the fucking USA. Worked WITH business and medical leaders instead of turning it into a political game, he could have kept businesses open and held things off till a vaccine came out.
Instead he did it his way that only fooled his sheeple. Originally Posted by Charley3
His way? Hopefully that’s a joke. Trump was told by half ass advisors to close up shop or millions would die, of course he did it. Unfortunately, the “experts” were all wrong. He (and every other thinking person) realized this pretty quick and tried opening up, only to be fought tooth and nail to not do so.

Not to mention that it was governors who continued on far past when they should have. The good ones, like Desantis, said fuck this and got back to business. Had the entire country followed the ~actual~ science as he did, we’d be in a much better place right now.

If you want to place blame put it where it belongs. California, New York, Illinois, New England, etc. Those are the places that sunk the economy.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
With Covid back in the news let’s all remember trumps inability to deal with a pandemic proven by his denials there was one and saying don’t worry by April it will go away.
With better leadership maybe we would not have had to shut down the whole country. Originally Posted by mtnitlion

Trump was opposed to mass shutdowns. it was the so-called "experts" like Fauci the fraud who advocated that which is rather odd since as a "scientist" you'd think he'd know that 100 years of data that shows mass lockdowns do not work and in fact prolong pandemics was guaranteed to fail.

the US should have done as Sweden did, no mass closures, no mask mandates. Sweden's plan worked. recall the press ridiculing Sweden for "not obeying" the science? actually, they were following the science and the data shows now it was the right way to handle it.

i find it amusing some of my fellow posters think Trump shutdown the economy, mainly because the leftist press spun it that way on purpose to "blame" Trump for reluctantly letting "experts" like Fauci talk him into it. the "experts" were wrong as we know now and worse still had an agenda for advocating shutdowns when they knew the data clearly shows these lockdowns only prolong the issue. look at China now. what did their harsh lockdowns get them? exactly what the science says, a prolonged pandemic. imagine that!

two word to remember here ....

Federal Republic.

what does that mean? that a sitting president has very limited authority over the states. with exception of Federal workers and the Military, Trump or any president has no actual constitutional authority to mandate anything. Trump's admin actually only issued a recommendation. it was up to the state Governors to decide to follow it, or not. and the recommendation did not state long-term lockdowns.

i think that covers "blaming" the shutdowns on Trump, don't you?
Cody69's Avatar
I remember living through Covid19 and going shopping and their was no meat, chicken, eggs, Toilet paper, no can goods, basically how Ukraine is now. I remember Trump getting on the news and saying how great he was right after he got rid of the plan already written up in case of a situation just like that as soon as he was elected.

" Operation Warp Speed and how it produced vaccines in record time, thereby keeping millions of people alive who would otherwise have succumbed to the virus."

It has been proven on this site over and over that masks nor the vaccine worked. It has been told that was a libatard hoax. That is not my opinion that is the opinion that is on this site. I got the vaccine and I wore a mask at the time.

I am only going off all the links they have had to prove those findings.
No actually I got warned about my comment so I started new
And we now know that shutting down the country was a huge mistake that only served to fuck up the economy for no reason. He should’ve went with his gut and rode it out like every other bad flu season. Stupid mistake that cost him the presidency, destroyed the concept of free and fair elections, and hammered peoples life savings into the dirt. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
... Actually, Trump onley called for shutting down
for 3 weeks... Fauci and the Dems pushed it for longer.
And if the Dems surely had their way - the country
would STILL be locked down.

#### Salty
mtnitlion you forgot that he also said that covid can be treated if you inject a large amount of disinfectant into your body! He never said anything about putting a UV light in your starfish! fake news! Listen it to from the man himself! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zicGxU5MfwE

I'm old enough to remember the dump truck using a sharpie to try to redirect a hurricane. Thousands of people got hurt and lost their homes because of it.
Originally Posted by onawbtngr546

He admitted to saying what if you brought the light inside the body. Up your ass was not said but I’m taking the MTG approach and guessing what he meant was up your ass.