David Axelrod gets one right

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
On a Sunday morning TV appearance Obama strategist David Axelrod said “The choice in this election is between an economy that produces a growing middle-class and that gives people a chance to get ahead and their kids a chance to get ahead and an economy that continues down the road we’re on.”
Well, I guess the choice is clear. Go down the Obama road to failure or chose a new path.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I've never seen a man look and sound so uncomfortable.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-16-2012, 08:46 AM
I've never seen a man look and sound so uncomfortable. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
what about when you got caught in the toilet with that Senator Craig
ForumPoster's Avatar
On a Sunday morning TV appearance Obama strategist David Axelrod said “The choice in this election is between an economy that produces a growing middle-class and that gives people a chance to get ahead and their kids a chance to get ahead and an economy that continues down the road we’re on.”
Well, I guess the choice is clear. Go down the Obama road to failure or chose a new path. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Did he mean "economy that resurrects the middle class"? Kinda hard to produce a growing middle-class when its getting extinct on daily basis.

On a Sunday morning TV appearance Obama strategist David Axelrod said “The choice in this election is between an economy that produces a growing middle-class and that gives people a chance to get ahead and their kids a chance to get ahead and an economy that continues down the road we’re on.”
Well, I guess the choice is clear. Go down the Obama road to failure or chose a new path. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

the republicans have fixed it...there is no middle class anymore.Just the rich and the struggling.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
the Democrats have fixed it...They call the middle class rich so there is no middle class anymore. Just the rich and the struggling. Originally Posted by ekim008
Fixed it for you.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Obama has consistently followed policies that hurt the middle class more than any other group.
Inflation does not hurt the rich or the poor nearly as much as it hurts the middle class.
Keep those money presses rolling till we can wipe our asses with hundreds.
Keep destroying the coal industry and drive the price of electricity up,
Keep attacking the energy companies and watch the price of oil and gasoline irse.
Watch the cost of food rise as it takes more3 to bring it to market.
Keep giving our money to companies that take their jobs overseas or steal all they can and then go bankrupt.

Who gets hut the most, the middle class.

Take our tax dollars and subsidize an electric car that only the rich can afford.
Either he is the dumbest fucker ever to hold office or he is doing this on purpose.

I think he hates this country.

Hey he is in Columbia checking out new places that Moochele can rtake another expensive vacation.
Fixed it for you. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama

You are the poster child for ignorance. That is why you are so unaware
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I think Dalai got this one right.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Class warfare at it's finest.