The Most Shortsighted Attack on Free Speech in Modern U.S. History

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

A faction on the left wants to weaken the free-speech rights that protect marginalized people at the very moment when doing so would help Donald Trump to persecute them.

Under a legal regime where hate speech was not considered free speech, Trump and Sessions could likely punish words used by members of Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Do you think he’d police their speech more or less vigorously than white supremacists?

Under a legal regime that treated more kinds of speech as incitement, on the theory that Nazis and other white supremacists are pushing an inherently violent ideology, Trump would very likely use the same rules and precedents to target, say, imams at whatever mosques Sessions judges to be inciting Islamist violence; or Twitter activists who tell their followers that punching Nazis is woke. Those whom Trump has taken to calling the “alt-left” would be most at risk.

A weakened First Amendment in today’s climate would be marshaled against Trump’s opponents, even as it robbed them of their ability to fight back. It would be a gift to white supremacists, not a blow against them.

shortsightedness has its costs. be careful of what you wish for.
The article possible uses a false senario. It's been reported that yes, the Nazi/White Supremecy/KKK bunch did spew hateful speech, but were attacked by those opposing their right to do this.

It seems everybody is forgetting the last part of the 1st Amendment. It says the people have the right to assemble PEACEABLY.

The instant you instigate violence, you just violated the basic tenant of the right of assembly. You are the one engaging in an Unconstitutional Act. The Government has the authority to control, by law, all acts that are Unconstitutional.

The instant an ANTIFA member, a BLM member, or an Anarchist throws a bottle, strikes another person, or turns over a car, THEY just violated the Constitution.
liberals hates free speech, would deny any speech with which they don't agree, have actually limited speech wherever they are in control, wish to trample liberty, yet the portion of the article you posted is written as if the danger is from jeff sessions and trump

the article more than assumes the left is correct in limiting "hate speech", as they alone have correct views and are righteous, but that doing so is dangerous now because the wrong people are in office

what an upside down world these people live in
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
be careful jackie, assup will put you on his false blacklist of nazi supporters

he is an idiot.
liberals hates free speech, would deny any speech with which they don't agree, have actually limited speech wherever they are in control, wish to trample liberty, yet the portion of the article you posted is written as if the danger is from jeff sessions and trump Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Of course liberals hate any speech not complying with THEIR ideal of what speech should be..

the article more than assumes the left is correct in limiting "hate speech", as they alone have correct views and are righteous, but that doing so is dangerous now because the wrong people are in office

what an upside down world these people live in Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
All cause they live in a dream realm..

be careful jackie, assup will put you on his false blacklist of nazi supporters Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Which is why he's on my ignore list..