Review: (China) Backpage Molly total up sell and fake pics

Jacknbox's Avatar
Date: 28 Apr
Name: Molly
Contact Info: +86 183 2136 6896
URL / Website: Baxkpage
General Area: Pudong/Shanghai
Activities: Massage Hj
Session Length: 45 minutes
Fee: 1900 RMB
Hair Length and Color: Short and black
Age: 30+
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Physical Description: Not even close to pictures. Total fake. Not bad looking,34c, tatoos on stomach.
Recommendation: No
epnav44's Avatar
I am seeing this trend more and more in China... I think the fact that the government is cracking down on the organized side of it is make room for alot of these HORRIBLE providers to try and scam the normal guy..

It's a shame since the glory days in China were soooo incredible..