I usually don't post but..............

hornsfan4life's Avatar
ShysterJon's Avatar
Maybe he'll beat a confession out of himself.
Guest091314's Avatar
that was entertaining!
Too funny
mtabsw's Avatar
Now we know at least one LEO who's not on the board- he would have known how important screening is...
TheWanderer's Avatar
The few cops that I know personally are the biggest horn-dogs out there.
You would think a cop would know the basics on how not to get arrested, primaily not discussing money or services.
LazurusLong's Avatar
I bet this was his first time too. NOT!
ShysterJon's Avatar
I might use him in a trial as an expert witness. It'd save money, since he's an expert on both police procedures and being a john.
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 05-12-2011, 11:48 AM
said Lt. Paul Henderson, a police spokesman. “Our focus is public safety and public trust.”

Well, I know that I feel safer with him off the streets and they just taught him not to trust an attractive SW!